• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Search results

  1. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because only Sith Lord believes in absolutes.
  2. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for agreeing with my sock monkey.
  3. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because socks.
  4. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because Wobbuffet is broken.
  5. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for excusing monkeys from detention.
  6. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because nanananananananana BATMAN.
  7. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for unexisting.
  8. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because your nose is illegal.
  9. Amala

    You're Banned

    *looks at posters rank* *looks at own usertitle and rank* O_o Aaaaanywho... you're banned because banana's are eating the beach before sunset.
  10. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because your mind cannot comprehend the sheer awesome that is the word 'ebil'.
  11. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because miltank are ebil.
  12. Amala

    You're Banned

    :angry: You're banned beacuase cheese. *and yes I meant to spell it in awesome*
  13. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for having a gifatar.
  14. Amala

    You're Banned

    Then you're banned for misspelling 'lacking'.
  15. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because that's not a potato, it's a spud.
  16. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for being too slow.
  17. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned cause obvious elephants.
  18. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because you have a username between 3-5 characters long.
  19. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because that made no sense, and you're probably dead for feeling up a mountain lion who's probably pretty ticked right now that you keep trying to pet it.
  20. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for banning LuckyLapras for having 'pwnage' in their usertitle. 'Pwnage' pwns.
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