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Search results

  1. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Shiny streams of data were shot from Kevin's Digivice, forming the second Keramon's silhouette. When he regained full color, Kevin directed to Demi. "We're done?"
  2. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    "So, this is Magnet Mine." "I'll say. I'm about to crash with a wall." Ae replied. Her metal armor was being pulled around by the large magnetic field surrounding them. "Digivolution time?" "Yeah, the sooner we get them, the better." Kevin answered, worried about his partner. After the...
  3. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    ((Sorry for the absence... Anyway... DigiNavi form: Name: Kokuwamon Gender: Male Digimon: Kapurimon-Kokuwamon-Kuwagamon-Okuwamon-GranKuwagamon Appearance: Normal Summary: Has a nice, fun-loving personality, and is very loyal and intelligent.)) "Hey, got a message. Seems we got a Navi." "To...
  4. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP "Don't you love when a mission goes smoothly?" Ae asked, now on her PawnChessmon form, while they were reaching Dark Terminal. Kevin just nodded absent-mindedly. Ae looked at him and let out a low "Oh..." and a smile. "What's funny?" Kevin asked. Ae giggled...
  5. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP "...And now we wait." "How much time?" Ae asked. "Dunno, I guess it gives a sign when it finishes. But the more Digivices, the faster." "Let's see if the girl is doing her job too then." Ae lead the way, followed by Kevin. "Looks like it." Kevin said...
  6. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Kevin and Ae stepped into the Gate, and into the server. When on the server, he looked at the KnightChessmon. "Shall we start?"
  7. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Ae felt the pressure decreasing, Greymon's body becoming weaker and finally falling asleep. She lowered her dart and both she and Kevin turned to the other Tamer and her Lekismon. "Huh, thanks... for the healing and the help back there." Kevin always got a...
  8. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Kevin's blinding pain was stopped by a itchy feeling on his arm. It felt like... it was mending itself? He noticed water falling over him, and managed to see the Guilmon being pierced by an icicle. He fell to the ground at the same time Kevin gained control...
  9. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Guilmon charged against Ae. She took it as a provocation and charged against him, her dart pointed at his head. Before the incoming impact, Guilmon raised his head and received the impact in the chest, being knocked back a few meters. "I should really...
  10. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Task Canyon was driving both Tamer and Digimon crazy. Each bridge and ladder looked the same, with no distiguishing features, so they Kevin and Ae were annoyed, not knowing if they had taken a path previously. After some time running in circles, Ae suggested...
  11. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP ((I can be Night Claw's scout if Shining Eevee doesn't want to.)) Ae looked up at Kevin, waiting for his silent order. He walked in the direction of Dark Terminal, hiding his eagerness to start the mission. Despite liking to work alone, he looked back at the...
  12. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Kevin woke up, not really caring what time it was. He knew Ae would wake him up. Even after taking a hot shower, putting his clothes on and waking Ae from her sleep he didn't look at the clock. A simple breakfast for both and they were off. Thirty minutes...
  13. Arcanine

    [DYING] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Virus and Vaccine: A Digimon RP Name:Kevin Gender:Male Age:14 Appearance:Wears a black tutleneck overcoat over a black sweater and black pants. Light brown, short hair and ice-blue eyes. Also black figerless gloves. Tamer Team:Night Crow Digimon Partner:PawnChessmon(Black)...
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