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Search results

  1. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    I finished about several hours ago, and at exactly 11:59. First year I've ever won! Provided, I had to go back and count a few drawings that weren't originally for Art Month as Art Month pictures (but still drawn in December, of course), but I still won! I did 8 drawings today, was so behind...
  2. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    Thank you, Ninjar! I completely agree, ahaha. IX needs more love... And uh... I was originally gonna draw something else for today and was drawing a completely unrelated avvie project thing. And... the avvie turned into... a full-length picture. I'm not sure how it did... but it did, all right...
  3. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    Hmm... well, I linked the exact same links to my birthday people and they worked just fine for them... they work for me. Huh... Also! A few comments... really like FMC's sunglasses Poochyena. It's cute and awesomely drawn. Although the paws and overall structure looks a bit too... catlike. And...
  4. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    Here I am! I've been gone for a long time because I've been really behind and have been trying to catch up. Have finally. Here, have a huge art dump filled with various late birthday gifts: Day 1 - Zora's Birthday Present Day 2 - Yorterry Christmas Facebook avvie Day 3 - Trinity Flame UC Day...
  5. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    @Saith: Love your Steiner picture! Aah, I don't see much FFIX fanart on here, so it's awesome to see a fan. :3 Love Rai-Ch's gajinkas too. They are actually quite well-designed. Look like believable humans, you know? Rather than just people with Pokemon parts tacked on. Really like Cherry's...
  6. Arylett Charnoa

    ArtMo 2010

    Of course I'm in. Sign me up!
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