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Search results

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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    God damn it Superbird why would you do such a thing IF YOU ASK ME this game was imbalanced. not that I can complain 'cause I won but
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia Actually four. Teacher was alien.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia sreservoir you know we are awesome.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia There are six people left in this game. At least three are Mafia. We only have a few chances left to flush out the Mafia, so...
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia sorry about the lack of posts; I had commitments. Anyway! So... nobody died. Again. We either have a very lucky healer, a very lazy Mafia, or an active alien on our hands. Considering the possibility of active alien, should we lynch?
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia If what you say about being warrior is true, do you know if the nokill the first night was due to your being targeted...?
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia I wouldn't be surprised if he really was alien this time and was launching this gambit again... there was no death the first night, after all.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia but abstaining might not be the best idea in the world, because then the mafia will start to gain the upper hand. D: unfortunately I'm not seeing anyone suspicious
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia Aren't there other possibilities for how the second kill happened, though?
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia Abstaining. There are no clues to go on.
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    Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia dude. night actions are supposed to occur first. o_o'
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