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Search results

  1. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    ...FINISH HIM. OM NOM NOM ~ OM NOM NOM ~ PROTECTION. (That's Crunch - Crunch - Protect to you, Mike) ((I appear to have become very lazy)) (((ITT I faint of energy loss)))
  2. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    ffffffffffuuuuuuuuu when did you ref this mike i was about to yell at you to ref this hnnnnn- ahem. YUM NECK. MAHN WUFFLES, HAVE SOME MOAR NECK. OM NOM NOM x3 CAUSE WHY NOT. BUT IF SHAWN PROTECTS OR SOMETHING DUMB LIKE THAT, USE SWORDS DANCE. ALSO, IF YOU PULL OFF TWO CRUNCHES THEN SWORDS...
  3. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    WELP. ...hng can't keep track of things lately. AMMY BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF 'IM.... IN YOUR DREAMS, YOU'RE SLEEPING, SO RELAX AND CHILL WHILE YOU'RE UH.. BUSY WITH THAT. Okay and then channel what you learned in The Redrunkening recently and yak all over him cause I'm a poison who-er. Then bite...
  4. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    ffffgffsagnoanagkgabsd confusion paralysis freeze alwaaaaays WELL IT'S OKAY I'M GOING TO ABUSE MY PEN TO THE EXTREME READY FOR THIS? HUZZAH Whatcha do NOW... head butt? Oh and as for Ammy.. sleep it off Nyoro~N :3 Rest easy young queen ~ Rest ~ Rest / Chill (dear gods im so cheap but it...
  5. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    dohohoho well considering everything works our way, let's open with a Counter. Silly giraffe. As for that pineapple thing? Well, we don't want to be catching, NOR eating that thing.. So here's the most poorly drawn sporting implement in the world alongside the most poorly drawn Riolu. You know...
  6. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Poor Alya >: Poor wasted SPACE FOIGHT arena, it would have been highly amusing to watch a giraffe flail about in Zero G. I'll ignore the oxygen issues. I hope you're saving these arenas Mike I'm going to have to force you to ref another battle here eventually. IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE. Anyway my...
  7. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    1 HP, Bitchin' ....Bloody giraffe is immune to Shadow Sneak. :V Not so bitchin'. Goddamn Norms. Right let's finish this quickly. Just in case like Psychic misses or something spam... uh.... crap Destiny Bond counts as an OHKO move doesn't it. Meh spam Trick Room. Otherwise good going Ally...
  8. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    (Pst Mike it doesn't exactly matter since they're getting bopped by hail but Shadow Sneak is a priority move Alya would have gone first and derped Cheshire. .....Actually it DOES matter that means SHE gets the KO and the final headbop and gets 2XP :3 FEEX.) Anyway - ohshi double down, shit just...
  9. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Heeeey why does she get a spraybottle >:C I wasn't informed I could have supplies under my fedora. *Puffs of tail trying to put out a small fire* aaaaa ow ow ow- Also it was Burn Ointment coupled with Anti-Curse... stuff. >:c pfffff a helicopter? really? Pfft anyway Alya Flinches suck but so do...
  10. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    ARG WTF AAAAHH Okay first... uh wait... UTILITY ITEMS!! *ScribbleScribble* HERE YOU GO ALYA~ PLEASE FIGURE WHAT IT'S USED FOR PROPERLY. 8D my own rules mean I can't write actual words but I'm assuming LOL and BLAH BLAH do not break this rule :V ((Dear gods it took like two minutes and is AWFUL...
  11. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Hmmmmmm. Alya he's such a poser. And for fricks sake how are you still attracted? I mean, he punch made for suckers'd you! Let's go ahead and Imprison him. Arh ha ha restraining order. No need for him to be using your moves aye? Then we can go ahead and return to favour and burn the bugger, Will...
  12. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Mm, good going Ally~ Though that bloody Dusknoir kinda gimped that whole Pain Split thing.. No worries! Here's the battle plan, first, Confuse Ray. Maybe it'll uh.. clear his mind a little about the relationship?.... I dunno just do it kay? Thing is, if at any point he tries to pull that...
  13. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Humph, don't be listening to this poser Ally, he just wants in your.... skull.... oh gods OH GODS. Well, if that's the may it must be let's fight a little fire with fire, kekeke. Start out with a Future Sight, plan for your.. kids, or something. But more importantly focus your rage if something...
  14. Bluberry Bat

    Dwagie vs Typh

    Dohohoho~ A ghost, Typh? You're in my realm now~ Fire shall be fought with fire~ Go Alya~ First thing is first, M'Dear, Ghastly are Hypnosis-happy little blighters, so be on high guard. Shield your.. uh.. eye, with Detect if he tries to pull that rubbish aye? The first chance you have, we're...
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