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Search results

  1. Bluberry Bat

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    YOU DESERVE MANY HEARTS. <3 <3 <3 We'll make a fresh bowl of soup for you when we're done. Perhaps we can add Mike's brain, he's not using it. His liver too. He might be using it, but he still owes us. ALL RIGHT MIKE, THE DREADED PIRATE TEA RUINING DREADLORD, NOW YOU PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD. OR...
  2. Bluberry Bat

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    Stoopid tricksy pirates >:c stealin our stuffs. Ninjrrrrrs are the real tricksters!....... Just buzz the everloving crap out of her!-- ...Actually no, damage cap, crap. Okay buzz, and then drain. Twice. Yeah. Bug Buzz @ Faris ~ Giga Drain @ Faris x2
  3. Bluberry Bat

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    Woop, that's the way~ ...But man is Nincada's movepool making me sad panda. You my Ninjrrrrr friend need to evolve. In the mean time, we can start with more accuhax. Flash first, directly followed by popping your Smoke Ball~ ((Why do people keep leaving out items I intend to use ; ; well at...
  4. Bluberry Bat

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    NINJRRRRRRRRRRRRRR VERSUS PIWATE Okay Yoshi those surfs are mean and that piwate is stoopid so what we'll do is use your SUPER SECRET LIFE DRAINING NINJITSU TECHNIQUES TO STAY ALIVE. Giga Drain x3 @ Faris (I feel lazy, oh so lazy~ I feel lazy, and stupid and- derp)
  5. Bluberry Bat

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    WOOP Psymon you're awesome and I will prepare you free brainzzzzz soup for life. <: SO ANYWAY this is actually kind of stupid technically Evil Mothra is a better selection in this particular case BUT SCREW THAT PIRATES VERSUS NINJRRRRRS versus sentient computer programs ANYWAY. Go Yoshimitsu~...
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