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Search results

  1. Bluberry Bat

    DS2 to have rumble stylus? Hells yes.

    Uh? There's no relegation on flashcart use, on their own they're innocent. Someone just figured out how to it it illegally, as they do everything else. Any of the functions you can mimic which are included on the DSi are completely legit and legal, combined with whatever else it can do. Also...
  2. Bluberry Bat

    DS2 to have rumble stylus? Hells yes.

    Pokémon is the least of my concerns. l: There was no reason to remove the GBA slot. Guess what, I have had a GBA SP or the like, so when I got a DS I was able to play into a whole library of Advance games I had missed. I still play more than a few GBA games. FFTA, Megaman Battle Network, a...
  3. Bluberry Bat

    DS2 to have rumble stylus? Hells yes.

    Hi, not everyone is right-handed. That's how Although I have to admit most DS developers have been good about left-handed options, Nintendo could offer a somewhat mirrored version to go along with it. but hey, pipe dreams, gods knows 10% or whatever the number is isn't going to win against the...
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