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Search results

  1. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    Haha, that was far too awesome. I kind of didn't account for energy when initially making them.. but maybe that's the point. <: Still, thanks for taking the on Blazhy, we're going to have to have a new one soon~ May have to think of some conditions that even up the odds though so CyndraMothra...
  2. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    nrrraaah yer fsss- zzzzz~ *Has passed out under Zora.... also looking to be having a surprisingly good time doing so* Nuuu chill, CHILL ~ or moar beer... that works, well, in fact ~ or just hump Cyndra and get it over with. We'll win in spirit then.
  3. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    hngasfdsafgsfds- *Has probably fallen asleep atop a pile of still hot magma* FIRE! FIRE!! TEEHEEHEE~ ... wait that's bad... ~ CURSE YOU DAMAGE CAAAAAAPS if I left them off there would be fireworks right now keke oh well KEEP MISSING, CYNDRA
  4. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    Ooohh the burn, that's why, derp. ......And while I'm here this is too good to not leave here afterparty anyone? <w< *FLEE* me and Zora really shouldn't be trusted in doodlepads and people really shouldn't be listening to us~
  5. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    d-DID SOMEONE SAY PORN TI- *Smacked in the face by a pokeball* OH DATS IT *Winds up a Pokeball throw* *Forgets to let go and the momentum of her arm causes an epic!faceflop* Someone better mop this mess up ~ In the mean time more killing fire mousey majig ~ PORN TIME <3 (By the way are you...
  6. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    RAHHHhh gon' kill ya and I'm a keep killin' ya and I never, cause you're be dead and then I'm gon' kill ya.... take ya' down to tha.. pain train station in train town.. *Belches and weeps* I luv ya man~ I hope paramedics are on standby ~ but in the mean time ~ FUZZY PURPLE COMET (Seriously...
  7. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    HAY yrrr raaa grasss is arssse an' da ba shuddupm *Throws a mug at Zora's head, missing by a good mile and a half* YRRR LYRRTLE FYAIHHHh rhhsat ghonshsa bhurn the bheer Trainer Incapacitated ~ Emergency Override ~ Critical Error; Drunken Flailing in Override Mode ((Glad you're having fun by...
  8. Bluberry Bat

    Drunk vs. Drunk (L'il Dwagie vs. Zora of Termina)

    Hmmmmm... I'm gonna have to go with Evil Mothra. She already wants to destroy Japan, so adding alcohol to the mix.. ~ Also why bother waiting for my attack commands, here they are: You're drunk ~ You fruit ~ Flail around! (By the way Blazhy you're super-awesome for taking this x3 )
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