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Search results

  1. Butterfree


    And that's fine! The problem is with the idea that, as a general principle, women need doors opened for them as if being women makes them somehow unable to open the doors themselves or that opening doors is 'unladylike' or whatever. Anyone should be able to open the door for anyone when being...
  2. Butterfree


    Where are you getting the idea that feminists are fine with this? We really do want to exterminate the idea that women are automatically better parents than men or that women need to be treated like fragile things and prioritized simply for being women. Every aspect of society that treats the...
  3. Butterfree


    It's a bit silly to complain about the feminist movement's "lack of action", as if obviously these things wouldn't be around if the feminist movement had just bothered to address it. The feminist movement, on the whole, fights against gender inequality in general, including when men are arguably...
  4. Butterfree


    I'm not really sure what the argument here is. Doesn't everyone agree that it would be better if the genders were equal in all respects? Yes, the genders are treated differently in various ways in the society of today. In some cases these differences are objectively advantageous for men and in...
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