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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread I COULD HAVE WON DAMN IT. If RespectTheBlade had revealed earlier that his vote doesn't count I could have offed both Mai and Superbird and had the only actual day vote. :( I was honestly pretty surprised I did so well. I really figured people...
  2. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Wargle was the one who said Detect went off the other night because she was inspecting me, which doesn't make any sense. I still think that was Superbird.
  3. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Why would you send a cryptic message warning a player you discover to be scum? ?_? If you supposedly learned I'm third party the night before last, why would you choose to talk to me to warn me the next night rather than talk to someone else to...
  4. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON IN THIS GAME I DON'T EVEN. RTB, did you revive Zero Moment too or is that yet another mysterious something? (I thought you'd revived Zero Moment instead of Wargle for one reason or another, possibly having double-crossed us...
  5. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Yeah, no, I still think Wargle is probably the most useful person to revive.
  6. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread I'm not sure we should be doing the vote-counting thing at all. If RTB were the last scum and had a killing move, this would be a really devious way to win the game - the day phase ends, whoops his vote did count, I'm dead, you're helpless as he...
  7. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread aaaaa ninja'd why did this happen the one time I didn't refresh before posting Anyway, whoa. That's a twist. Still processing. I agree Wargle seems useful to revive? And yes, we'd want to know what a tie means here. And yes, abstaining is a...
  8. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Again: I mainly think you're the remaining scum simply because I think RTB's innocence is better established than yours, and I know it's not me. Everything else I've brought up is circumstantial evidence, stuff that's like "hey, that would make a...
  9. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread ...okay, I guess in case b) it is possible you'd allow talking to the cult because somebody recruited into the cult might have already known about Wargle and thus the cult might find out anyway. Fair enough. Under that assumption presumably VM...
  10. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Well, it's not so much that it's a mafia move - like I said, I didn't really think anything of it at the time - as that once I was getting pretty convinced you were mafia for other reasons, I thought back to that and it suddenly made perfect...
  11. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Oh, no, I'm not suggesting you should have assumed I did The Thing (which, yes, would have made no sense at all). I'm talking about during The Thing, when I started to think you and Eifie were behind everything, and rather than assume I was just...
  12. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Yes, I was...? This was during The Thing, where, while we were hoping for RTB to be able to override the day decision, there was still a lynch vote between the two of us. (Not that that's the most pertinent question - you could have accused me...
  13. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Wait, sorry, misread your thing about Detect. Yes, I survived because of Detect, and MF PMed me to alert me that I'd been attacked; no, I don't suppose you have any proof that I have Detect, per se, but while Negrek may not have explicitly...
  14. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread As for killing Superbird, we all seemed to be in agreement that it was either Alligates or Superbird, and this has been a long, long game, and there was a tiny chance Superbird might have something up his sleeve. Plus I had a silly little desire...
  15. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Uh, I already claimed to have Detect, before Negrek did; see here. The fact you'd apparently forgotten certainly explains nicely why you'd target me for a nightkill anyway, though. I don't think you have lovering and culting. I don't think there...
  16. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Oh, it was also the thing about thinking evil Mai = cult leader who lovered the "neither innocent nor mafia" people, therefore Eifie's innocence = not-evil Mai. Which is not necessarily the case.
  17. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread ...crap. That was me. I was so sure if it wasn't Alligates it had to be Superbird and wanted to save us all time. Ugh. Moreover, I was apparently attacked in the night, so our remaining villain has a killing move they've been concealing all this...
  18. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Right. So since RespectTheBlade seems to confirm Superbird's account of the Wargle thing, and it fits with my previous theory that Wargle's innocents were based on people she had managed to talk to, I'm also betting on Alligates. Fingers crossed.
  19. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Okay, that went pretty decently! RIP Eifie, you died for a good cause. That opens the question of what we do now, though. Whoever caused The Thing is clearly still at large and lying to us, and with only five players left there aren't a lot of...
  20. Butterfree

    Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread

    Re: Trainer Class Pokéchoice Mafia - Game Thread Sent in mine.
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