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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Christ. Dave rubbed his face. "Well, first of all, Jesse Stranger vanished some five years back. In his study there was a convenient diary where he wrote about how Ignatius Voclain had threatened to kill Brisa if something happened again." He thought back. "He had this note with a list of names...
  2. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Huh. So Brisa was in danger by the sound of it, just... on the run somewhere in the Commonwealth. Drawing pursuers away from some Meowth she barely even knew, like a true fucking hero. His heart was pounding uncomfortably and he didn't know why, a strange, sickening tightness in his throat...
  3. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Okay, now she was making this sound like some sort of bizarre supernatural steroid drug. What the fuck. (And... wait, what was that bit about transforming into a fucking Lunala?) But before he could say anything about that... Dave blinked. "Excuse me, what? You met her and just, what, never...
  4. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "The way Beetle described it, Radiance is a power associated with 'saints', which is apparently what legendary Pokémon are called over here, and also legendaries are real because this universe is a cartoon." He rolled his eyes. "There aren't a lot of them alive, and only some of them use...
  5. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Yeah, that was about the size of it. "Yeah, I really couldn't care less what we're going to call ourselves," Dave said. "Can we talk about the fucking matter at hand? As I was trying to say before all these tangents, one of the things Nolan mentioned was that Shadow Pokémon are weak to some...
  6. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Dave blinked at the Pokéball as it was brought out. “Hold on, what? Who’s making Pokéballs here? The Covenant?” Well, that was… that was something. So they had another disadvantage, namely that they could be neutralized and abducted in a second by hving a ball thrown at them? Couldn’t be common...
  7. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Dave watched the whole back-and-forth grimly. “Okay, who the fuck is talking about trusting their information? We’re not trusting shit they say, obviously. Even if they were the world’s most sincere bunch of racists, these idiots who claim to represent the enlightenment haven’t even bothered to...
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