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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Dave looked back and forth between the others as everyone apparently decided to just freely blab about plans to infiltrate the place right in front of fucking Jaak. Were they serious? Yeah, someone had to go investigate if this could be connected to the Pokémon trafficking thing - though really...
  2. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Dave scratched his chin and then realized he was doing it with his foot. God. “Okay, so what’s the train thing about? You said the train got attacked - by who?”
  3. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "So this attack on the train," Dave asked, wary. "That was 'Witching Beasts'?" Ignatius had had wagons with trafficked Pokémon going out to Blaguarro. Did that have something to do with this? Unbidden, the TV show Wes had seemingly stepped out of popped into his head: a desert region, criminal...
  4. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Dave stepped out warily from behind the others. Seeing Jaak yelling in the middle of town had definitely gotten his attention, especially after all the fucking context about Pokémon who were too enthusiastic about humans. “A train got derailed, huh?” He tilted his head. “And… by ‘some...
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