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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The thing was down. Or... not down exactly, but spent, struggling to keep its balance. It really hadn't known what hit it. Beneath the sheer exhaustion of going at it with everything he fucking had, a rush of hormonal triumph was rising in his chest, dumb instincts real pleased with victory like...
  2. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Behind the door, Dave dug through the bag on his belt for a Leppa as the horrid noises outside in the hallway continued, drowned out by his ragged breathing and thundering heartbeat. Come on, come on. There it was. He scarfed it down, barely chewing, staring at a spot on the wall. Crunching...
  3. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The thing had fucking evolved. This time he avoided the worst of it, bracing as a barrage of spikes rained across the entire room, but the now-Drapion laid in on Wes and Kimiko, clearly having identified them as the most dangerous targets. The Oshawott leapt in front of Wes, giving the Rockruff...
  4. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The onslaught would almost have been said to be going well, only despite the fluid synchronicity of their attacks, the Skorupi didn't seem anywhere close to defeat, only leaking more of its foul stench all over everything, the thing only somehow growing and bulging with whatever ghoulish energy...
  5. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave woke with a start, heart pounding, not sure at first what'd roused him. Then, another series of BANGs, and he bolted out of bed entirely, running out into the corridor. Steven the Beldum was there, lying in the wreckage and splinters of a smashed door in the middle of the hallway in front...
  6. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] Everything is shit [Dave solo]

    Dave stumbled back to the Traveller's Haus, vision swimming. Gerome's cactus whiskey really had had a kick. He'd been a couple of drinks in when Odette, the Mawile from the minecart, had sidled up to him and asked if he'd caught what she'd been saying back at the dining hall. Well, no, he...
  7. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "All right, see you around." Come to think of it, one of the few perks of being a Poochyena in a brand-new body was the lack of random aches and pains so far. He definitely expected to feel some if he did end up getting into fights, though. God. He nosed the door back open and gave Nova a nod...
  8. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Huh. "Well, good luck with that. I'm guessing we'll need to have a whole lot more collective muscle before we can solve anyone's problems." Collective being the key word. Dave wasn't sure if he'd be making his first foray into Pokémon training here or if he'd actually have to physically fight...
  9. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Topic shift, okay. "I don't have a job yet myself but I was planning to check on this plant researcher in town. Sounded like the closest thing to genetics anyone's doing in this place." He tilted his head. "How do you even do construction without arms? Are you building up muscle while using...
  10. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "Wouldn't you notice if you had massive psychic powers, though?" Or then again, maybe not. Maybe if you just grew up thinking the senses you had were normal, you'd read about 'powerful psychics' and think what they meant was something entirely different, for all he knew. What the fuck. He swore...
  11. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "...Mewtwo?" As in, the fucking conspiracy theory superweapon? What. If Wes existed he couldn't exactly rule it out, but... "No, hold on, didn't they also say they aren't a Psychic-type? Or at least not a powerful one." Not that they couldn't have been lying about it. But it was hard to picture...
  12. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave wrinkled his nose at the mention of divinity. "Well, Cloudy clearly wasn't any kind of perfect inscrutable omniscient entity. Sounded like a well-meaning but naïve intern with no idea what they're doing to me. Not exactly godly." He paused. "I figure it's pretty likely they're in the...
  13. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Augment yourself with Pokémon parts, huh. Dave guessed whatever 'Deoxys' was doing (wasn't that some kind of movie alien?) was pretty different from actual genetic engineering, even if Deoxys apparently had something to do with DNA, if he understood Nova's cryptic words correctly. "Well, if you...
  14. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Emperor of the universe? Jesus Christ. "I mean, probably there are other planets with life somewhere out there, but in my universe somebody declaring themselves emperor of the universe would mean they're delusional." He tilted his head. "Well, I'm guessing even in your world, declaring...
  15. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave squinted warily at Nova. It was hard to tell what the guy was talking about at times, but at least he didn't seem to be about to take it out on him. "So... the people that created you also created some Pokémon who then became emperor of the country? Is he the same kind of chimera as you?"...
  16. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave blinked. Jesus. So Nova was... basically from a grim sci-fi movie? The sort where the evil scientists create monstrous sapient Pokémon with their enviably infinite funding, casually kill the prototypes for not being strong enough, and then inevitably get murdered in return when the final...
  17. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    ...Huh. Well, he had been curious about how their group somehow just casually had two of the dubious chimera from back then. "Well, I can agree that the people in power tend to be slimy fuckers," he said. "Where I come from they give less funding to actual scientific research than they should...
  18. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave raised his eyebrow. "The fuck's that supposed to mean?" There was some kind of story here, wasn't there, based on Nova's distant gaze and lengthy pause. Or at least there better be, if he was going to stand there going 'Actually it's the other entire species that's bad'.
  19. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "That one was Jesse Stranger, right? Something involving mystery dungeons?" This guy just kept coming up. Dave followed Nova into the room and pushed the door closed. "It sounds like this one's a lot less supernatural bullshit. Apparently there's this big organization of human bigots out east in...
  20. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Nova didn't even seem to see him at first. Dave fucking hated being a tiny dog. After some distinctly clumsy maneuvering that backed Dave into a corner of the corridor, though, the chimera had managed to turn around. Dave tried to imagine someone Gerome's size trying to stay at the Haus and had...
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