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Search results

  1. Byrus

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Failed, but I still got a lot of stuff done, so I'm pleased with that. I still feel a bit irked that some indie band already nabbed my title though.
  2. Byrus

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Noooo don't jinx it 1000 words on the first day is better than I started off last year at least. Gotta stay optimistic. My story is all over the place, so I'm hoping I can actually manage to tidy the damn thing up afterwards. edit- and there we go - it's down for maintenance, hopefully it'll...
  3. Byrus

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Er, well, it's been a while, but I decided to dust off my old account and give this a go. Yay, I think! My info really needs updated, but the site seems to be going down a lot.
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