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Search results

  1. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    Thanks for the first battle, guys! I appreciate the learning experience. :'D
  2. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    (I could have sworn it was a possible egg move for Totodiles? Should've double checked that. My bad!) Hmn, right then! I want you to Rest for two actions and do your best to shed yourself of the paralysis, as well as attempt to regain a bit of your health. After you have ceased your rest...
  3. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    Argh, paralysis eh? Oh well, let's work with what you've got. If you can muster the energy(and if she actually makes it there), follow that Herdier on land, Protect yourself from whatever oncoming attack you can and use Ice Beam again! A beam attack shouldn't be impossible to pull together when...
  4. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    (Jude is a he, but forgives the ref because flight-sickness can do a number on folks, and hey, he is a pretty he after all. :P) Good, Atlas! Now that you have your substitute up, I want you to give her a good ol' Focus Punch. Knock her into the water, if you can. If she tries to counter...
  5. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    Okay! Since you're on land, let's start off and Protect yourself from that Thunder Wave, and follow with a Counter, then create a medium Substitute. Protect~Counter~medium Substitute
  6. Charles

    Jude vs. ole_schooler

    Sending out Atlas.
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