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Search results

  1. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Otto glanced down at his portfolio and then put on a bashful smile. "Oh, just some paperwork for a community outreach in... um, at the museum." He briefly stumbled over his words, as if amending his thoughts midway through. "Ah! But, you'll be needing to back to the frontier soon! Right--this...
  2. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    "Ah, um, right!" Otto replied, stuffing a few loose papers back inside the portfolio with a grateful bow to Ghaspius. He paused for a moment with a curious look at Gladion's talon, as if he wasn't sure how he was meant to respond, before the Pignite had a look of realization and bumped his hoof...
  3. Chibi Pika

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    The Pignite swerved out of Sam's way with an awkward wave up at her and a too-late, "G-good evening, miss!" after she had already left. He then seemed to suddenly remember why he'd entered the room and spun back around to shuffle toward the visitors. "Ah, um, Lord Articuno has asked me to...
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