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  1. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Ah. I had a feeling something was flying over my head. Thanks!
  2. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    It seems a stray meadow plate has wandered into my inventory. Unless I got it from some thing I was completely oblivious to up until this point... Basically I'm looking for an explaination, if at all possible.
  3. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Just out of curiosity, I know you said something about the possibility of custom sprites. How is that looking as a possibility at this point?
  4. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I notice I'm the only one with a Breloom...
  5. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    :? I thought that was the main page. EDIT: oh okay I figured it out.
  6. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    mm'kay, so here it is. EDIT: gah it's really small. Um, here have a link to the album it's in.
  7. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I use Firefox. Oh, and sorry, I pretty much only know how to take screenshots in minecraft. :P
  8. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    okay, but if it's a thing on the site how could my browser affect that? it's not like I get a little popup that says "this allowance is not available in your country"
  9. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Whenever the allowance goes up, I never see it. Maybe I'm missing it, but.
  10. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    really? because I don't see this button at all.
  11. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Out of curiosity, what will we be doing about Dream World Abilities? Will pokemon be allowed to be bought with them, or will there be some sort of other method of obtaining them?
  12. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Frankly I didn't notice until right now either.
  13. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Oh really? I hadn't noticed. Okay.
  14. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Um, it's been a while since this battle ended, where my gligar received two Exp, but the "evolve pokemon" option has not as of yet appeared.
  15. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Quick question: are the bugs with the signature attributes still being worked out? Because Cre and Dex both still don't have theirs. Not a problem if you're still fixing the bugs, though.
  16. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    whoops, sorry. Kinda tired right now.
  17. Chief Zackrai

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Erm, Bes's Body Mod, Constant Rotation, isn't in my account, and I find the same issue with Dex's Body Mod, Generation 1 (it's the fourth quote down) Also, I'm not sure if anything can be done about this, but this is supposed to be Dex's Sprite: Now I apologize for being difficult, but Bes is...
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