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Search results

  1. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    Since when is sarcasm "bashing"? Oh, no, a comment not saying "OMGZ, SO COOL" was posted! Call the police. I dare you. This.
  2. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    True, true, but of course they could be specially modified to be placed in a easier container to figure out, and used in a similar manner to Berry Juice, no? (Crap, I'm losing this argument. -_-) You didn't have a *bad* description, you had no description at all. The item and price is by far...
  3. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    In the games, Agility doesn't allow you to move to a different point in the battlefield, yet in ASB, it does, if commanded. Same with some food items--they might not do anything as a hold item in the games, but you could eat or drink 'em in ASB. Simple.
  4. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    Wonderful description, ThaosDM. I love how it lacks any information of it's wares' uses whatsoever. And how hold items are already covered by Kusari, Grass King and the PRO. 'Nuff said about that, would it be possible to make a resturaunt-esqe shop, selling Lemonade, Lava Cookies, ect. that...
  5. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    They aren't exactly "custom", seeing as you can hold them in PMD, to say the least.
  6. Chopsuey

    Business Approval Office

    I've been thinking... Would it be possible to create a shop selling Gummies, that would count as a hold item, that, upon consumption, could raise stats, or boost the power of a certain type of move?
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