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Search results

  1. Chopsuey

    TCoD Christmas:D

    HD video camera! It's charging right now. Assorted Metal CD. I'm listening to it right now! A few books. A PILE OF USELESS CRAP! ...Did I mention my Bro-in-law got a PS3 and I played a bunch of Modern Warfare 2? He kept dying so the gaming master (Me), took over. And I kicked ass! If you...
  2. Chopsuey

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Eh.......0_o.... Well, I would be more mad about my watch breaking, but I DO find it wierd that you got slammed into the wall.....O.K. I take that back. I get slammed into the wall pretty often.....
  3. Chopsuey

    TCoD Christmas:D

    SAME HERE! My sister has a playlist of two country songs I hate, from two people I hate....... Oh, I forgot another thing I want......... MOOOOOONNNNEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!!! AND LOTS OF IT!!! Oh, how I LOVE money.... $_$
  4. Chopsuey

    TCoD Christmas:D

    You would find a grappling dummy in a catolog, or a wierd store.... And why are you not into thrash!? *Sings thrash metal songs in a horrible voice* Do you like my voiceeee? And I listen to some country, but same here. MOST OF IT MAKES ME VERY ANGRY!
  5. Chopsuey

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Heh....Nice thing. But I suggest you keep a steak knife under you're pillow for backup. An HD video camera. I might start some wierd videos on youtube. Eh, you will think this is wierd but......... A grappling dummy!? I am training to get my black belt, and I need something to pound on for...
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