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Search results

  1. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    sigh. guys if you were an important thumbdrive-sized adapter and you weren't in my bag or on my nightstand or under my bed where would you be.
  2. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Guyyyyyys I actually ~wrote stuff~ but my adapter is MIA and that's the only way I know how to move files on and off my flashcart. D: I'm pretty sure it must be somewhere in my room, but... :( crud. Also that doesn't sound like a bad plan, Leafpool, if you're the type who can write with...
  3. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I think it has changed! I mean. I just finished my first chapter and somehow I don't think first chapters of proper nanos are 12.6k words, but other than that I shall be aiming for 50k indeed! ... I suppose in this light 50k will be easier than the original goal of finishing it. :B Also yes of...
  4. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    That love letter was fun to write. Blaaaaah I'm only at 12k there are people with like twice that already I should be writing rn blaaaah.
  5. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    <midnight> DUDE 10k wat * midnight highfive midnight * surskitty ^5 midnight <midnight> I was not expecting that :O and like these guys in the thread are like "I never made it past 10k" and I've never done this before and /tiny happy dance ... And if I grind out 1k more I can beat like five of...
  6. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Yesss. Trade Cirrus for ECM and Negrek for Superbird? It's like fantasy football teams!! Except less actiony. Still need another 400 today to meet my 'to be on track' number, but at least I'm meant to end on December 10th today!! If I keep this up, I should be on track by the end of next week...
  7. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    A treatise in four parts. 1) complain complain complain 2) progress more like congress amirite 3) oh god why is everyone so more amazing than me 4) oh god why is me so less amazing than everyone OKAY SO Apparently no one paid the internet/phone bill last month? So I have been without any...
  8. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    OKAY here I am; #757843 for whatever reason you'd want that. 'm not 'MidnightSaboteur' 'cause I'm trying to change that. Cookie points for reference getting. I have added everyone who linked their profile!! though not those who just left names cause I am ~just that lazy~. ... The stats page...
  9. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    [17:47] <midnight> OKAY [17:47] <midnight> I AM [17:47] <midnight> signing up [17:47] <midnight> hiikaru is a nice person [17:48] <midnight> and has persuaded me [17:48] <midnight> though god this site is slow ... ... That was over half an hour ago. I will link my account once I can log into it.
  10. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Hooray! I feel loved. Or something. I... started today! :D Yesterday and before were holidays, in my defense, which /does not mean/ what you may think it means - here I'm pretty much always hounded to get out and do stuff, so my days were full and on Monday I didn't even get to bed until like...
  11. Clover

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I... couldn't win NaNo if my life depended on it! :D Seriously, if my soul game with the devil was to win NaNo, I'd just be like, 'no, I'll take the torture early, pls.' BUT! I still want to do something to commemorate it! And because I have fourish lengthy fics on my flashcard (I don't...
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