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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    ROLES: 1. Moony - Rufus Croshaw 2. Mawile - Emil Shain 3. Sable - Ilza Kinnaird 4. ole_schooler - Alois Lowe 5. Captain Sea Turtle - Grace Fabre 6. Brock - Theodore Gibson 7. demonickittens - Dingo 8. werefish5 - Fritz Almstedt 9. Nemec - Aidan McCune 10. Skymin - Davey Hammers 11...
  2. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game FINAL OUTCOME - MAFIA VICTORY When the sun rises, Dark Shocktail finds herself looking down the barrel of a pistol, held by none other that Skymin, who is wearing a wide grin. She starts to squeeze the trigger, and her grin gets even wider...
  3. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game (as Captain Sea Turtle has not been on in over a week, I have invoked the Mighty Lady Luck in the form of the Coin Flip to decide the outcome...) A coin flip decides the outcome of the game it seems. As the coin clatters to the ground, Skymin...
  4. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game When the sun rises, the remaining members slink into the resupply room, looking quite tired and annoyed...but not one of them missing. No-one has died. You have 24 Hours for discussion.
  5. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game It is decided. Dark Shocktail pins their victim, while Skymin manages to find a pistol in the supply room, pressing it to Nemec's forehead. She frowns, and pulls the trigger, sending a spray of blood on herself and Dark Shocktail. "Sorry."...
  6. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game (sorry about the delay, I had lost my thumb drive which had my mafia stuff on. I have it back now) When the sun rises, the group wearily gathers, and, despite the death of a Mafia Member, another is missing. After a quick search, they find...
  7. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game As the sun sets over Sawmill, the group finally settles on a verdict; they will kill one of their number, hopefully managing to weed out one of the killers. ole_schooler is again the one to point out a suspicious person. Taking up the knife from...
  8. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game The night seems to drag on longer than usual. When the sun does rise, the group quickly gathers, fearing a slaughter like last night. However, only one of their number is missing, and after a quick scan of the area, the body is discovered...
  9. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game The sun was going down on Sawmill, and the group was about to call it a day, until a lone voice rang out from the crowd, accusing one of their quickly shrinking number and calling for his death. Cheatmaster was quickly cornered and the closest...
  10. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game The second day of the...festivities is a wet one. Rain pours from the grey sky, a dull reminder of their miserable entrapment. There is suddenly a loud yell from Dark Shocktail, who had been heading to the water to wash her face - there is a body...
  11. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [Day 1] As the day draws on, conversation is nervous and unsure. After a small bout of discussion, the group of mercenaries agrees to abstain for executing anyone for the day. It is with uneasy minds that they head to bed early, the sun burning...
  12. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [Night 0] The sun rises over Sawmill. The air is crisp and cool, and smells strongly of the freshness after a rainfall usually does; it must have rained during the night. The ground is soft and muddy, making walking hard, but not impossible. The...
  13. Coloursfall

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    On one of the endless mornings on the separate bases of Fortress, a few members find themselves on a single train heading to the Sawmill base for a conference of skilled members of the company. Some hit it off smoothly, creating friendships, some stay close to the people they already knew, and...
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