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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    [OPEN] Start of Darkness

    I've just been a bit busy lately, and waiting for the players to all finish their forms. Also, I put together a collection of the basic books if anyone wants them; contact me via PM/VM/MSN and I can give you them, or more, since I have most of the 4e books.
  2. Coloursfall

    [OPEN] Start of Darkness

    List updated; get your forms in soon please~
  3. Coloursfall

    [OPEN] Start of Darkness

    Start of Darkness Plot===================================== It was just after dawn when you boarded the might airship Wandering Mountain on her maiden voyage. The massive ship was the pinnacle of technology and magic, able to fly as well as any dragon. The first half of the trip was smooth...
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