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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) Firstly! *Colours, note the u. Next, I have stated I have reasons. And the way you keep insisting you are this role and omg if you die then innocents will too!! is very suspicious. Even if it was true, the mafia would take you out anyway to score...
  2. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) Yes but even so the mafia typically get theirs randomized if they don't send in - it's the core of the game after all. And either way, better to use the lead we have than kill randomly. Plus, anyone in their right mind would claim to be '100%...
  3. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) UnU not quite but you're getting there. But yes, DarkAura needs to go, as they are very suspicious. And even if I'm wrong, which is very unlikely unless a few very specific things have happened, hey, we got rid of someone who's no help.
  4. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) Oh I have a more solid reason than being annoying, I would rather not reveal how for fear of becoming a target but I can if enough people want me to!!
  5. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night One) So either we have an Alien, or my hunch was right. I'm gonna go with my hunch. DarkAura, you gotta go.
  6. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) Even if they were Alien it's been one night and there is one death, making their activation very, very unlikely - only a stupid vig would kill night one, and there are very few other killing roles aside from Mafia-aligned ones in most games. So I'm...
  7. Coloursfall

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) Oh dear. Okay, any leads? And ideas who would target Mawile? And any role speculation? I don't have much to go on right now, but maybe if we get the ball rolling...
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