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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna stumbled through the forest, confused and in pain, with her ripped cloak wrapped around herself. SHe had escaped the wolves, but for how long? The girl's heart was bounding in her throat, her breath ragged and painful. She stumbled and fell onto the forest floor with a squeal, and lay...
  2. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "We care not who you are related to, only that you will fall. Did you not listen to me? The Twilight Magic is strongest here, you would have only stood a chance if we were on the path! Now begone!" The wolf howled, barreling into Iortheayr as he charged, with speed and strength very strange for...
  3. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "I'll take care of the puppy, brother..." The other wolf growls, grinning. He jumped towards Iortheayr, a wide grin on his furry yellow face. "And don't bother fighting back. Mistress's powers make us strong here, the most deadly beings in the forest...besides Mistress herself, anyway." The...
  4. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "Why don't we play with her, and then let her go...? Then we can play a game and try to catch her again." The second wolf said, laughing softly under his breath. He liked to play games. He reached out and patted Edna's blond head, showing the girl his fangs. Edna whimpered. ---- The...
  5. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna struggled in the grasp of her attacker, kicking her thin legs. She had dropped the small fox-creature, which scampered away. The creature made it's way beside the path, watching Kit with a wide grin. "Let me go!" Edna tried to scream, but her voice was muffled by the wolf's paw. A...
  6. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna was trailing quietly at the back of the group, the little fox-creature in her arms. The small animal was sniffling it's nose and looking around a lot, big yellow eyes wide. Edna giggled when it skittered from her arms around around her neck, so it was on her shoulders. It made a soft...
  7. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Squeaking, Edna sat up and covered her eyes from the bright light, pulling her hood over her eyes. She mumbled under her breath, and stood up. The little fox creature sat huddled in the basket, covering it's eyes from the bright light and whimpering. Edna scooped him up and cradled him to her...
  8. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The man looked down at the fox, his black eyes narrowed. This strange creature could just be stringing him along, trying to get him to trip up and say something the Witch could punish him for... He frowned. "I don't know anything, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell." He growled. ---- Edna...
  9. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The man stared down at the little fox, shifting a little in his bindings. He frowned, tilting his head at the little fox. Strange little creature... "Wh..Who are you?" He whispered. "One of her minions? I'm not doing anything wrong." He spat, growling. ((Arg, crappost))
  10. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna cuddled the little fox-creature to her chest, making soft sounds as if she was trying to soothe it. The small animal merely stared out at the gathered creatures with glowing yellow eyes, expression nearly impossible to read. The corners of it's mouth twitched, and flashes of razor-sharp...
  11. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "...Is something wrong?" Edna asked, sitting up and glancing in the direction the wizard had looked. The small creature wandered into the clearing, it's paws making soft sounds on the ground. Blood continued to drip from the tail-stump, and it's ears swiveled to lay flat against it's skull. It...
  12. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "A bed would be nice, but what can you do..." Edna sighed, wiggling her toes and looking up at the sky. It was a nice night...warm and not raining or anything. She could live with this, she supposed. She yawned, shutting her eyes. --- The white rocks have turned grey... Their magic... is...
  13. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "You're a wizard? Then why do you need us to help you stop the witch? Can't you just have a big magical battle with lots of smoke and sparks and turning each other into frogs?" Edna asked, plopping into a patch of soft grass in the clearing. She removed one of her sandals and started to rub her...
  14. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna took the man's hand after a moment's hesitation, pulling herself upwards by using it to keep her steady. She made a little grunting sound as she pulled, and let go of his hand as soon as she was on her feet. She dusted herself off, offered a curt thank you, and started down the path...
  15. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna flushed even darker when the man spoke to her, and pulled the hood even lower over her head. When the man went to talk to the others who had came, she felt a little better...until she noticed that the others were all monstrous beasts of various sizes and shapes. She squealed and actually...
  16. Coloursfall

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Edna squinted up at the mark that had appeared overhead. It was the same as the one from her dream, so she was going the right way. She adjusted her sundress carefully, the basket on her am bouncing annoyingly off her hip as she moved her arms, making her grunt in annoyance. "This better...
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