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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    Scout let out a blood-curdling scream as he felt the flames wash over him, dropping the pistol and curling into himself, as if that might save him. The searing pain only lasted for a moment, however, and he was left in the dark black nothing of the respawn as it gathered his charred corpse and...
  2. Coloursfall

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    Scout let out a loud squeal as the gleaming blue pipe bombs bounced after him, the loud explosions tossing him forward and to the side a bit, where he stumbled but kept his footing for the most part. The cacophony of the bombs drowned out the pounding of his feet on the floor, the frantic...
  3. Coloursfall

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    "Shut the fuck up, mumbles!" Scout hissed, flicking his headset down around his neck so he didn't have to listen to that stupid pyromaniac anymore than he needed to. "You're starting to piss me the fuck off. I need something to beat up." Scout made a low growling sound and bolted up the...
  4. Coloursfall

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    Scout nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice in his headset, and stopped walking abruptly. He slapped a hand to the single large ear-covering headphone on the left side of his head, hissing into the microphone. "What the fuck man, Pyro, issat you? Fuck, you scared me, don't do...
  5. Coloursfall

    Open TF2: Faith & Misery

    ooc thread It was quiet. The RED Scout frowned as he tiptoed carefully through the dim, sloshy, and gross sewers under the two bases. He figured that he was probably closer to the BLU side by now; he'd been walking for a while, knee-deep in the dark water. It was pretty gross, but he was...
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