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Search results

  1. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Alabaster felt the sting of a flurry of bubbles at the side of his jaw, making him snap down on his own Hyper Beam, dispersing the energy into short sparks of light. Ready to Thrash in all of his frustration and agony, the serpent raised his heavy tail only to be greeted with a strange object...
  2. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The growing numbers put Alabaster on edge and in a greater depth of fury. Small fish darted in and out of the scene on command and a strange contraption was on its way. They communicated to each other in words he failed to keep up with and within moments had him surrounded. Creatures of all...
  3. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Alabaster had not seen such action in may years but was prepared to do the worst whenever necessary. His dreaded hisses as the debris struck his back made him use his tail (Aqua Tail) to swipe away at as many of the ones yet to pummel him as he possibly could. From the corner of his eye he saw...
  4. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The tension between the creatures and himself was rising and it made him writhe in place. The Crawdaunt continued to try and reason with words, words he nearly tried to understand. Phish was growing angry and the serpent could feel it with every sound that emerged from him. Alabaster snaked...
  5. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The continued orders made the Gyrarados flare his nostrils more intensely. The whiskers dangling from his face seemed to be the only part of his body not trembling with rage. The growing crowd made Alabaster anxious and soon a more superior creature advanced on him, threatening to take action...
  6. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Alabaster was thrashing against the buildings and sending violent shock waves (Dragon Rage) towards any and all in his path. He was ready to demolish the palace when a smaller serpent like creature stood in his tracks. The Gyarados came to an abrupt stop and lashed his tail about furiously at...
  7. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The shattered furniture and other belongings of the Gorebyss fell against the growing pile of trash and sent splinters slowly gliding through the air water. A leg of a chair gave way due to the contact of Beauty's abandoned trash causing a theatrical sequence of further collisions of garbage...
  8. C

    Open Tides Under Siege

    In the blinding darkness Alabaster lay sleeping, heavy snores echoing through the desolate ruins he called home. The darkness of his scaled flesh kept him camouflaged to the trained eyes for darkness. Against the rubble and debris his long body was carefully stretched out, completely uncoiled...
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