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Search results

  1. Coroxn

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    A 'Twin' Pokémon, literally two identical Pokémon with a different colour that can actually be used in battle, are totally awesome together in a double battle but useless against each other in any. Pokémon derived from musical genres. Pop, Rock, Punk, Metal. A book Pokémon. Begins as a...
  2. Coroxn

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    We need more conceptual Pokémon. Like a Pokémon based on memory, with superawesome stats but an ability that means it has a 5 (and then 10 and then 15 as it evolves)% chance of any attack failing because the Pokémon forget how to use the move in battle. It would be Normal/Psychic. And stuff...
  3. Coroxn

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Hmmm.... A Toucan Pokémon. Because those things are awesome. Earwigs are cool, too. A castle Pokémon? Starts off as a little hut, evolves into a house, then again into a castle? Or maybe it could be a multi-evolver? Like Dark-type Castle, Earth-type Bunker, Water-type Houseboat? That would be...
  4. Coroxn

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    I'm all for inanimate objects. Clothing, books, balls, containers, lights, a castle Pokémon, a lighthouse Pokémon...
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