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Search results

  1. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel was astounded. "You're not saying that I, that...But I don't....I mean, Beauty and I....it isn't as if.....I just don't...to think I have the.....but I...you have to see, I mean...what I say doesn't.....she doesn't care...my emotional influence must be....must be....but...that isn't...I...
  2. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Alright, does this have to do with the distant rumbling? Or are we once again discussing the succession?" The words crushed something inside Angel. A well of resistance. His temper flared brightly, how dare his cousin, how dare he. How dare he come here, interrupt a very private session, and...
  3. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Instigating...Issues?" Angel, for a moment, tried to get what the old commander was getting at. "I...oh. You...don't mean to say that the Gyrados that destroyed....that that was myfault? Beauty dumped furniture in a junk heap? What does that have to do with me, honestly? I mean...Why would...
  4. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel's emotions were mixed. On one hand, he had just looked courteous to his sister, and suffered none of the drawbacks that usually came with it. On the other, Phish had royally shut him down, literally, sort of. He had asked and had been denied. Maybe it really was incredibly important...
  5. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The net dropped on the unconscious Gyrados, totally useless now. The creature was already totally incapacitated, his brilliant plan rendered completely unnecessary. That stung, a little. Stupid good fortune, he mumbled to himself. What where the odds the ingestion of his own hyper beam would...
  6. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel smiled. "Of course you're invited, sweet sister. There is no party unless we invite you! Takida, if you would be so kind as to take a corner...? Nevermind. Three will suffice, I suppose, although I would rather have one per corner... Just prepare yourselves. An Phish, have those...
  7. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Ah, my brother!" Angel cried. "Wonderous, wonderous timing. We were just saving the city from a rampaging Gyarados. How are you? Good, good, moving swiftly on, we have a net of highly conductive copper wire. We toss it over, then hit it with some electric attacks". He waved around the corner...
  8. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    The Gyarados seemed far away, as if half-listening. What is he, defective? Angel thought. The snake was motionless, and then it's eyes were on him. It's gigantic, fearsome eyes...Angel hated how they seemed to see through him, and look at whatever he was really feeling. This one is no stranger...
  9. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel never got a reply. The Buizel just swam away, as if scared by the complexity of the whole thing. No matter, he thought. It was a long shot, anyhow. Suddenly, he heard a bestial roar, and the sound of smashing coming from the city. He swam to his window and flicked the shutter clasps open...
  10. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "You in there? I came like you wanted." The voice came, a little later than Angel would have liked. But, whatever, the Buizel was here, little else mattered. He thought of not answering, if only to keep her in suspense for a few seconds, then thought better of it. "Come in, come in" he said...
  11. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Interesting. was Angel's only cohesive thought before he delved deeply into planmaking so righteous and twisted that the words could not be portrayed by a mere pen. His mind was machine like and methodical as it whirred and clicked pieces around inside itself. His blank face was misleading, as...
  12. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel took one look at the new arrival, and instantly made his decision. A spy, he thought, and a most obvious one, too. The lithe way she held herself, the way she looked, the scar that was so obvious, and a thousand other signs he had learned to recognise. The palace was full of spies, spies...
  13. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Oh, sweet sister, a thousand apologies do I wish to you. Of course, you must contend with but one, for I am a single soul. The slander, you see, was not slander, I assure you". Oh, I assure you it was. But damn me if I can't find a way out of it, Beauty. "You say you attend Deepshell every...
  14. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Brother" Angel replied, curtly. "I may be crowned very shortly, as may you". Ha! Right. "And then, we very well may be wishing we had treated the other with more respect. Fair warning, to both of us. And the intricacies of politics are a subject that a King may learn about night and day. Or, he...
  15. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel smiled at Rafael. "Oh brother, do come off your contemptuous high horse. You have no right to it. As our good commander will tell you, the army follows a chain of command. This chain, by nature, leaves most everyone with people to lead and people to follow, all depending on how high up the...
  16. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "Rather well?" Angel asked, snorting in anger. How dare she! He would ruin her good name right here! "If you tread the lower waters as oft as I, you find the commonfolk talk of Deepshell as if it were in Deepsh-" he stopped, shocked with himself That was a lie, a pure lie. Defamation, pure...
  17. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel was happy with Reiki's comment. Though his first public appearance was a cause for great stress on his behalf, he found himself to be a talented writer. When, instead of some perfect prince or the angry bastard they had heard of came some scarred but well-willed Kingdra, the people had...
  18. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    Angel was oddly flustered by Phish's statement, but pleased as well. He felt that his sister was pushing the Commander away from her, and by allegiance, Rafael, and closer to him. Ah, his sister. She had taken it remarkably well, which was to say, she had not destroyed anything yet. He, however...
  19. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    "To see the Commander's children, you understand" Angel said, ruefully, perfectly aware no one would believe a word of it. The more seconds past, the more he regretted speaking at all. Was there any sense in him at all? To be so blunt at so delicate a time...He forgot how angry he could become...
  20. Coroxn

    Open Tides Under Siege

    It had seemed he had ruffled a few feathers. Scales, in this case. But he didn't truly care. His sister was trying to take the high road in this affair, and he simply wouldn't let her. There were two ways he knew to make her lose her air of self-righteousness. One he was saving for a public...
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