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Search results

  1. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    I would be super-excited if the final evos had those secondary types. But I would also be crushed because there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a Patrice tree.
  2. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    Technically Spinda was a Dizzy Panda Pokemon or soemthing, but this one is WAY cooler. I love them ALL (except maybe the robin, which is just okay) and I LOVE that you can ride Pokemon! What if you can ride other Pokemon??
  3. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    My housemate said she'd read somewhere (and now I feel like the time I was in primary school and someone told me to get Mew by using Strength on the SS Anne truck) that Sylveon was Flying-type and female-only. Not a clue where she read it, though.
  4. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    Maybe there'll be a new Girly-type and then all the icky pink and/or flowery Pokemon can be grouped together under a banner, and all the proper (not-Girly) Pokemon can be all the other types!
  5. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    Only so I could breed the everloving heck out of it. When I get one (either gender), I'm going to call it SwirlyDave.
  6. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    The French name is something from 'nymph' which sounds a bit Bug-y, but probably more faerie-y. By the gods, I've missed wild mass guessing like this :D
  7. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    The more I think about it, the weirder it feels that there's a frog starter. I know Pokemon designs and evolutions aren't a shining example of sense or logic, but frogs are the final stage of actual, real-life closest-thing-to-Pokemon-evolution. Maybe it'll evolve into a giant, badass tadpole.
  8. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    Oi. Verizion redefines majestic!
  9. Dannichu

    Pokemon X/Y

    This game had me at 'Wild Pikachu appeared!'. Honestly, Nintendo; Pikachu's been so very good to you, and you keep relegating it to Pokedex-filler status :( Also good: Chespin (unless it evolves into something horrific, I'm definitely starting with it) and the deer legendary. I love it. It's...
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