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  1. Dannichu


    MD's right. All the people I know who are religious are because they believe in God/some of the teaching in the Bible, not out of some fear that they'll be punished if they don't believe.
  2. Dannichu


    I was thinking more "How can you say no when someone's slipped rohypnol (or similar) into your drink?" but that works, too. nonono NO. No they're not. People drink alcohol. Some people drink more than they should, and if, say, they get aggressive and start a fight while under the influence...
  3. Dannichu


    ^ Correct. Rape is never the victim's fault. However, not everyone belives that. Sick, much? (not to do with religion, technically, but still relevant)
  4. Dannichu


    No, UV's completely right. Yes, religious intolerance leads to a lot of discrimination, but so do gay people, and most of the people on here don't have a problem with that. The existence of countries leads to differences and discrimination (and one helluva lot more wars than religion). Different...
  5. Dannichu


    This (Jon Stewart talking to Gov. Mike Huckabee about gay marriage on The Daily Show) is the best thing I've seen in a long while. Huckabee uses a few arguments that Sir Lucario mentioned, my favourite being saying that "You can't compare race to a lifestyle", and Stewart's response is that...
  6. Dannichu


    It amuses me that the religion thread's debating homosexuality and the homosexuality thread's debating religion. (moreso than the other way around, at least) Amusement aside, this thread deeply saddens me ): ...This thread makes me feel bipolar.
  7. Dannichu


    I didn't mean to be insulting and apologize that my post came off that way; I just felt you were being a tad overly-critical when your family paid for you to go to an extremely famous place that hundreds of thousands of people would love visit. That and disrespect towards any place of special...
  8. Dannichu


    Jeez, stop complaining and think yourself lucky. Lourdes is an amazing place; even if you're an atheist, the place has some absolutely amazing history behind it. You don't have to worship the gods of ancient Egypt to appreciate the pyramids; you don't have to be a religious believer to...
  9. Dannichu


    I went to a RC primary school and cards were only banned because other kids were beating each other up for them and stealing off each other (myself included, because I was a bad kid). Then again, we all read Harry Potter in class 5, so I guess it was relatively liberal. Eh.
  10. Dannichu


    God, yes.
  11. Dannichu


    No. No. That's a horrible overgeneralization with no factual basis at all.
  12. Dannichu


    There are many intelligent theists in general. :3
  13. Dannichu


    I don't know how brainwashed kids are over where you live, but when I was small I went to a Catholic primary school where about 25 of the 30 kids in my class went to church. Now about two of them do. That's because the schools are funded (at least in part) by the church. Parents who send their...
  14. Dannichu


    No, but it fulfils a purpose, which is why it's so universal. ...I don't think I understand what you're getting at, here.
  15. Dannichu


    Well no, because religion has been around since the dawn of humanity, and stuff like anime cons are pretty recent, wouldn't you say?
  16. Dannichu


    Oh, of course, but that's because there are replacements for religion. If you take large social gatherings such as anime conventions, large sporting events or concerts, you'll notice that share many of the same principles that most religions have; collective singing/dancing/music, idol worship...
  17. Dannichu


    Well, you could be wrong there. The fact that, at some point, more or less every society in the known world has had some kind of religion suggests that religious beliefs are important to society. I'm not saying whether religion is correct or not here, but most sociologists agree (yes, I know...
  18. Dannichu


    And Stalin was an athiest :D Altmer's right, though; religion has no real place in a debate because it's obviously going to lose every time; there is no (or at least, very little) impirical evidence because the point of faith is to believe despite the lack of evidence or even in the face of...
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