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Search results

  1. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    Eh, I think it's quite a handy term. Especially since you can use it to mean that you've never done something, even nonsexual, like how someone who's never been to the opera could be an opera virgin :D Plus, anyone who studies theology would otherwiase have to talk about the concept of "the...
  2. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    It's because they don't want the gays breeding too early and having lots of gay babies.
  3. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    Woah, nine o.o But you have o be married? What's the age of marriage in Yemen? That's creepy, yo.
  4. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    It's 14 in Iceland (and I knew that even before that House episode) :D But I guess it's relative to what you're used to. Loads of my friends had sex before they were 16 - one was 13 and another had a baby aged 16 - but it's not really a big deal where I live (which has one of the highest teen...
  5. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    Parents can walk in and completely flip out. It's happened to people I know and it never ends well. It's 16 here, too.
  6. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    I think there should be; they're not there to stop you having fun, they're there to protect vulnerable people. Apparently, 95% of rapes against teenage women don't end in prosecution - and mostly because a woman's word isn't enough to prosecute an offender (since it's a her-word-against-his...
  7. Dannichu

    Are you a virgin?

    Please oh please make a style with that as the tagline. Haha. Sorry. >>
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