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Search results

  1. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    I like the second one best purely, because I'm not that knowledgable about medieval times =) But just for the ideas, you deserve the DRAGONNET. I would come up with some new idea but college is drowning me right now ><
  2. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    Ah, that would be insanely popular =P But sadly, I have not watched any Doctor Who episodes...so I better leave it to those who know it better ^_^
  3. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    Ah okay ^_^ Thanks Midnight! *glomps* I'm also toying with the idea of a 300/Pokemon crossover. That or a Pirates of the Caribbean...maybe some other movie... either way, I'm gonna cross over Pokemon with some movie xD''' Either way, I'll try and keep it open so the plot is slightly...
  4. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    Hmmm, I might include that. I don't want it to seem too...well, focused on one religions ideas though. I only mentioned that names I did, because they're the only ones I knew XD'''
  5. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    I have an idea for a roleplay involving angels but don't worry, it's not like yours Midnight ^_^ Instead of the traditional Angels V Demons, the angels and demons in my idea live in relative peace. They know that the world is created on a balance, like yin-yang. Without the demons, the angels...
  6. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    That's an awesome way to view Poketopia! I'd be in ^_^
  7. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    A Star Wars one? I'd be interested...though my knowledge needs a tune up ^_^''''
  8. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    I am, I am! XD I'm just wondering what Eevee to have myself. Just let me see how many people are interested... 4 of us. That leaves four other Eevee's, including Eevee itself. =)
  9. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    Awesome ^_^ If not many people join, then we can have more then one - about halfway though I'll allow a second Eevee anyway, since everyone has more then one favorite.
  10. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    Drat, I was gonna call Umbreon XD Oh well, as long as I get Glaceon, Vaporeon or Flareon it's all good... ^_^''''
  11. Dark Shocktail

    Idea Center

    I've got a few ideas... One is a PDM2 idea, where all humans have the Dimensional Scream ability. It basically follows the "prologue" of the game, where the hero, Grovyle and Celebi are in the dark world, searching for the clues to find out what happened and how to prevent it. I'd open it a bit...
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