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Idea Center

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I think I'll be extra lazy and leave the circumstances mysterious for a (short) while.

Alright, I think I'll be able to put it together tomorrow after school.

Feel free to announce your joining in on this.
Actually, Kusari said something interesting about this on MSN~

Kusari says:
pokezombies where we're all people
Kusari says:
people who are used to having pokemon to protect them
FMC says:
I want a chainsaw >|
Kusari says:
but, say, the virus can spread by air to pokemon but only by bodily fluid contact to humans
(You should probably click that link for the game plot. It's basically what you're thinking of: Mall + Zombies.)
ETA: I would join :D
Would it have been helpful to note that I've played Dead Rising already? :P It's all fine and dandy, but I've tried to think of something less tied to one source and drew a bit from a lot of sources to make it rather more general.

I rather like that idea for a Pokemon zombie survival one and might get it up shortly after the first. Hopefully I'm not pushed over the edge as far as being in too many RPs.

I need to stop shirking schoolwork. :P

Anybody who is reading this, I need a name.
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So I have an idea:

This plus Pokemon.

Total cuteness in my opinion. :D
Flora. i like pokemon but... Just do a RP about shugo chara. Only then will i join. That is the ONLY way i will join.
'Twas just an idea. I don't really have any just-Pokemon ideas. (unless I revive Shadowy Past. Anybody want that?)

EDIT: Unless you meant just Shugo Chara!. In which case I do have one. ^^

Since I only know of two people here who are fans of it (me and Eclipse. :D), I was trying to make it more open by giving people some familiar territory...

I wanted to make a Pokemon training school. D:
Ah. That makes sense.

So, I'm gonna pull up my spare plot, and I'll edit later!

EDIT: Apparently now is later. ^^

Shugo Charas...the incarnations of one's Would Be Self...if they actually hatch from their eggs, most are used to protect the dreams of children in the area. However...some are broken before they get close to hatching, and some are used for the exact purposes that most Charas are fighting against!

For example, a young boy once accidentally broke his Chara's egg. As he grew into an adult, he was determined to recover his egg, using data from other people's eggs, with the help of his new company, the Rebirth Company.

He didn't know that the only way to fix an egg is to use a cleaning attack, such as Amulet Clover's Remake Honey.

He had a new idea for healing it, though: he'd create his own X characters! No need for shoving them back in their eggs; he'd simply take a kid with a Chara, torture said Chara, and-voila! An X Chara.

However, the actual result was fully unintended.

Instead of getting an X Chara, he'd created something completely different!

Reicheru Kusa, instead of having an X Chara, now had a Chara clothed in purple with wings on her back! If Tori, her Chara, wasn't now bent on taking over the world and enslaving the children's Charas with her Black lullaby attack, she'd be a great candidate for a Guardian at the newly-established Hogosha Elementary School.

Yes, the Guardians have returned!

Can they triumph over Tori and her slave owner? Or will the Dark Charas prevail?

More importantly, where the heck does the Rebirth Company fit in with all this?

Well, it's kinda-sorta odd...but I'll figure something out.
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._. Please use the enter button. Please. I can't read things that are all lumped together like that TT_TT
...I actually used this somewhere else and had it entered...it just looked way too big for one post here...

I have an idea for a roleplay involving angels but don't worry, it's not like yours Midnight ^_^

Instead of the traditional Angels V Demons, the angels and demons in my idea live in relative peace. They know that the world is created on a balance, like yin-yang. Without the demons, the angels have no purpose and vice versa.

But there is a heiarchy amongst angels - you have Archangels like Michael and Gabriel, Gaurdian angels and so forth. The "higher" angels have stronger powers, access to more weaponary and more impressive wings as a symbol of their position. They also have seperate responabilities and jobs - lower class angels have smaller tasks, such as preventing human arguments with their unseen presence, saving individual lives and so on. Archangels are the keepers of paradise and often deliver the words of the almighty, as well as preventing only some large scale natural disasters. Gaurdian angels are somewhat inbetween and seperate - they actively protect a small group of unrelated people, helping to guide them in their life journeys. They also care for the fruits of paradise but only partake in minor duties there, since their resources are largely directed as those under thier care.

Demons appear to have a similar system but don't actively enforce it. Any demon from any rank may perform any task that needs doing, although lower demons are limited by their abilities strength and range. Demons tasks include patrolling the barrier (Void) between life and death, guiding the souls to heaven/to reincarnation* and causing natural disaters to thin the human population. The most powerful demons can break through to reach heaven, though they can only stay long enough to deliver a message or visit a friend/rival/family member, depending on the circumstance. They have more impressive wings and small horns, something unique to them. Their abilities are more varied and powerful then the lower classes, whose wing span and powers are relavent (sp) to their class.

Anyway, so yeah. Both sides have their seperate jobs, classes and way of doing things. Not counting the individual angels, who could be from different religions, backgrounds, age groups etc. and have differing opinions of the way things work. Some of the demons might prefer a structure while some of the angels might like more freedom in their duties. So there's slight tension on both sides, but not enough to spark anything major.

Until something really freaky happens (not sure what yet) and every is thrown in the blender. Maybe the barrier is shattered, so the dead and the living get mixed up - imagine living people seeing the afterlife and the dead back on earth as if nothing happened! Total chaos! But as this happens, the leading groups - Archangels and Archdemons - are captured by rebellious members of those below them and placed into bird-like cages that prevent their escape.

So now we have the angels and demons going haywire, as they struggle for power in the absence of Lucifer, Michael etc. the very cosmos is in chaos too. So it becomes down to a small group of angels and demon working together to try and solve the problems before time runs out. Etc. Etc.

* I don't follow Christianity too well, so I don't personally believe in a hell o.o if God is totally forgiving, then why punish someone FOREVER? Besides, I wanted to throw in other religions too, so this is for the Hinduism/Buddist followers out there =)
This is a PM i got about an angel RP i was going to run on another site and it should help you.

i really like this idea, but could you change it a bit. im just now learning that you are an angel fan as well so i would like to post some ideas if you dont mind. there are a alot of demon names to choose from. the greatest name is azazel which is the biblical satan. while lucifel is the head devil. time has distorted the words of the bible and nowhere does it say the lucifel and satan are the same entity, people just assumed that they are. that being said the book of enoch name three fallen angel names that could be satan. 1 is azazel, 2 is semyaza, 3 is urokiba. these are the most likly candidates of satan. or a possibility that is constently denounced is, what if there are more than one satan?
On too the angels. according to the hierarchy of angels, metatron comes first as the voice of god who was once the human enoch but once he acsended to heaven he became metatron. sandolphon was the prophet alijah and is in charge of human spirits. they are the two highest seraphim (litteraly means fiery serpent) they are known to have six wings. the seven ''holy'' angels are named in this order. mikael, raphael, uriel, gabriel, raguel, zarachiel and remiel.
a little angelic fact as we know it is that only seraphim and mikael can be in the direct presence of God.
more about the angel hierarchy in heaven.

the third sphere:
1, angel
2, archangels
3, principalities

the second sphere
1, powers,
2, virtues
3, dominions

the first sphere
1, thrones
why am i sending this to you, all these facts? because i want you to have a foundation for your story. ive been thinking about doing an angel rp for a bit. i already have everything that i need for it too.
Hmmm, I might include that. I don't want it to seem too...well, focused on one religions ideas though. I only mentioned that names I did, because they're the only ones I knew XD'''
Ah okay ^_^ Thanks Midnight! *glomps*

I'm also toying with the idea of a 300/Pokemon crossover. That or a Pirates of the Caribbean...maybe some other movie... either way, I'm gonna cross over Pokemon with some movie xD''' Either way, I'll try and keep it open so the plot is slightly different, inject some fresh twists and such. So if it's something like Sweeney Todd, change some of the plot details beforefore the roleplay starts so it's not going to just be a clone of the movie with us acting like Pokemon.

Ah, that would be insanely popular =P But sadly, I have not watched any Doctor Who episodes...so I better leave it to those who know it better ^_^
Yeah that...
It did (to me at least) seem to contradict just about everything we know about the time war.
I'd like a Doctor Who/Pokémon crossover though.
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