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Idea Center

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I have an idea for a name for the hurricane one:

Death of the Shippuuden~ (Shippuuden = Japanese word for hurricane)
I have an idea for a Digimon RP

The children of the original (Seasons One and Two) Digidestined, in their teens, have to save the Digital World (and their Digidestined Parents and their Digimon) from the tyrannical KingEtemon (who is the reincarnation of Etemon/MetalEtemon, and took over the Digital World in a matter of days), with help of their own Digimon, who who took different Digivolution lines than their human partners' parents'.

I need help putting it together.

Okay, does anybody feel like a FFTA2 roleplay? I've almost beaten the game and kinda wanna work out the Heritor thing a bit.

Okay, forget the Heritor thing. I think I'll just make it a standard one. I do have a plot, though:

"Many years ago, a horrible clan called Khamja threatened to take over Ivalice. Its leader, Illua, tried to harness the powers of a grimoire to open up a rift to let a demon through. Thankfully, a boy named Luso, from a strange place called "Earth", and his friends managed to stop Illua and seal the rift before any damage could be done.

With his mission complete, Luso returned to "Earth", and all of Ivalice returned to their peaceful lives."

It's now one hundred years later. Things are still peaceful. However, rumors have surfaced that Khamja, has returned! Some people who believe these rumors have formed Clan Guardians, and are setting out to defeat Khamja, while others have actually joined its ranks. Can Clan Guardians actually defeat the newly reformed Khamja? Or will the terrifying clan succeed in conquering Ivalice?
I gave up on the plot for "The Heritor Thing." (Though that woulda been awesome.)

Making thread now. (You should probably make a good deal of characters; five people doesn't make a clan. ^^)
You know, someone should do a survival horror RP. I'd join that.

Like, with zombies.

OK, I'll step up.

First of all, a setting. A mall could work, but I think just a general urban setting would be better. Any ideas for cities? Or are we going generic?

Second of all, something like a plot or introductory blurb.

And what about a Pokemon spin-off?
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