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Idea Center

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So guys.

Needing some ideas on making an RP.
The problem is, this time I don't know what to do with it. I know I want to make one, but...
Alright. So. After a while of playing Brawl and having my RPs die on me, I thought maybe I could start up another. A Brawl RP seems like something I could keep going, and since that happens to be my current obsession, it sounds like a pretty win-win idea.

It wouldn't be a Subspace Emissary like scenario, really. It'd just be like a chance to step into the fighters shoes. I'm considering adding some newcomers as well... but before I go onto thinking up a plot, would anyone be interested in it?
I had this rather stupid idea for a roleplay.
So, it's in a world where social classes are highly segregated: the richest people live in the city, living a comfortable, glamorous life. Some lucky poor people live in the city, too, mostly doing terrible jobs that no one else wanted to fill. What could be the upper middle class lives in suburbs of the city, or generally close to it. These are still very lucky people.
The rest of the world (or at least the country) is a different story.
Apart from the cities and nice places, and the occasional isolated mansion in some nicer locations, people have it badly. They live, at least with dignity, on farms. Due to the overabundance of produce, the market is very competitive. People depend on their crops to do well; they need it. There are small towns in the farming area, where business owners get just enough income to live, since virtually everybody here is poor and living off their farms, waiting for money to come from the cities which need produce. Some people pay with produce at these stores, supplying business owners with food. Sometimes they don't have even that. Only the richest people can afford pesticides; the others have to suffer through all sorts of terrible blights and watch their crops die.
But beyond the farmland, beyond the last small, small suffering town, are wastelands. Some of these places have been overfarmed, with terrible soil, some are deserts, some have suffered fire damage, and all are home to miserable people, people who live on the outskirts, trying to survive. The people society has labeled different or strange have been driven here, the outsiders, and they are starving and so, so poor. Criminals sometimes live here, exiled or on the lam, making some parts dangerous territory.
The farmers generally hate the people who live here, calling them thieves due to disputes over stolen crops, not willing to share with the pitiful people. The outsiders have to make do with whatever crops they can cultivate, and what animals they can hunt. Their unsettled wasteland stretches far, and few have tried to go behind the mountains that lay farther still, as the journey there is a punishing one, though some whisper that behind the mountains there is freedom and paradise.
Some people leave for the city, to throw aside their dignity and do whatever job they can find there, usually a very low one. Some outsiders hold a naive belief that everything is good in the city, and that they have a fair chance to get a job. Their journey to the city is long and dangerous.
Still others faintly murmur about something that will change life forever. They resent the government for not helping them, for being prejudiced against them, and for isolating them. Most do not dare to protest, but others know that they have nothing to lose, for their lives are miserable.
Anyways, I don't think this is very realistic, but I kind of liked it. I thought maybe if we wanted to add a supernatural/fantasy spin on it, some of the strange exiled people could have strange powers/be of a fantasy race or something, or we could leave it as is. I know my logic is terrible, and I have little knowledge of how to create a realistic society, but I thought I might as well toss the idea in the pot.
Alright. So. After a while of playing Brawl and having my RPs die on me, I thought maybe I could start up another. A Brawl RP seems like something I could keep going, and since that happens to be my current obsession, it sounds like a pretty win-win idea.

It wouldn't be a Subspace Emissary like scenario, really. It'd just be like a chance to step into the fighters shoes. I'm considering adding some newcomers as well... but before I go onto thinking up a plot, would anyone be interested in it?

Sure, why not? Characters outside the playable roster wouldn't be bad.
So guys.

Needing some ideas on making an RP.
The problem is, this time I don't know what to do with it. I know I want to make one, but...

Twilight Parody?
Being human lab rats and growing and/or shrinking
Turning into other people/magical creatures/aliens/etc?
Okay, this in't technically an idea but whatever:

Do you guys think I should bring back Shadowy Past? (I'm ever so fond of that crazy old thing...)
Twilight Parody?
Being human lab rats and growing and/or shrinking
Turning into other people/magical creatures/aliens/etc?

Awesome suggestions. I want the first rather badly, though most are awesome.
Shrinking to a few inches FTW. No more than six inches, please. That reminds me of this one book (the title escapes me but had 'Darling' in it, I think) about a scientist who developed a shrinking drug (it wasn't explained how). He died and his widow, a lonely woman, kidnapped four children and used the drug on them, placing them in the dollhouse that her husband had made for her dolls, because she'd never had children.
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@Flora: YES. I've needed to join an epic RP, and remaking that would be awesome! Of course, I'd stay with my usual, but you get it. :]

@Everyone else: I do think the ghosts one I could work with. Might do a Twilight parody too. :D
@Flora: YES. I've needed to join an epic RP, and remaking that would be awesome! Of course, I'd stay with my usual, but you get it. :]

@Everyone else: I do think the ghosts one I could work with. Might do a Twilight parody too. :D

*melts* I call Edward/Edward-expy. If not possible, Bella. I don't know much about Alice or Jacob... Darn it. *reads more Twilight*
I liked A Shadowy Past, but it was rather confusing.

I like Shining Eevee's idea, too! :D Too bad I don't have any characters in mind.
Wow, people posted quickly.

Ayame: I'm more of a 1-2 inches kind of girl...but I'll be fine

So what did you think of the other suggestions, Zora?
Wow, people posted quickly.

Ayame: I'm more of a 1-2 inches kind of girl...but I'll be fine

So what did you think of the other suggestions, Zora?
Yeah, the shorter, the better. Depends on how tall you actually were. It always annoyed me how tall George Shrinks was (six inches!).
Edit: I want to do the Twilight Parody most of all, and I'm open to the ghost thing if it's not some generic 'people get stuck in a haunted house' thing. (I don't expect an intricate plot with legends or anything, just no boring haunted houses. I'm actually open the clichéd snowed in at a haunted ski lodge if we're going for a 'people getting haunted' thing. If we're going for a roleplay focusing on the ghosts a bit more,then that's cool as well. ) I don't mind a family moving into a haunted house, either. Think of plots...
I liked A Shadowy Past, but it was rather confusing.

What did you findd confusing about it? I can clarify. ^^

I like Shining Eevee's idea, too! :D Too bad I don't have any characters in mind.

Must...resist...urge to use Ash Ketchum...

Meh, I can always pull out the Shugo Chara! characters. ^^
The plot was just fast at some times and slow at others. I think it should move at a more steady pace next time. And this time, I won't be evil, since I recently discovered that I don't really know how.
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