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Idea Center

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I like Flora's roleplay idea (I remember how I lost interest in the Gaia one and it eventually died). :)
But I want my Twilight parody far more than that.

Yeah, because everybody else lost interest too.

I recruited all the people who were in the first one. XP
Yeah, because everybody else lost interest too.

I recruited all the people who were in the first one. XP

I assumed that. I don't think I killed it alone because I barely posted in the first place.
Darn, most people's roleplaying posts on this forum are far too short. Like, two sentences! D:
Umm, if I remember right, it's Dragon, Rabbit, Sheep, Ox, Tiger, Snake, Rat, Dog, Pig, Horse, Rooster, and Monkey.

Also, I don't know anything about Fruits Basket, but a pokemon-Zodiac RP sounds fun. :D
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Confirming what Skymin said. If my computer hadn't crashed I'd've posted it first.

Random factoid: Did you know that all of the fashion brands in The World Ends With You, with the exception of Gatito, are based off of the animals in the Chinese zodiac? (I'm not too sure how Pavo Real is related to the Rooster, but it's too broad for the whole thing to be a coincidence)
Oh come on, FMC. I wanted the Dragon D= And every one took the good things. Can there be more than one? A RP with just 12 people is.. meh.

And what Pokemon would the tiger be, Raikou? And rooster...[/rant]
Here's the plot of Fruits Basket, taken from Wikpedia:

The series tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who, after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Sohma, learns that thirteen members of the Sohma family are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac and are cursed to turn into their animal forms if they embrace anyone of the opposite sex.

And it would be 13, since there's this legend, also found on wikipedia:
The rat was given the task of inviting the animals to report to the Jade Emperor for a banquet to be selected for the zodiac signs. The cat was a good friend of the rat, but the rat tricked him into believing that the banquet was the next day. The cat slept through the banquet, thinking that it was the next day. When he found out, the cat vowed to be the rat's natural enemy for ages to come.
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