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  1. Dark Shocktail


    Aside from the fact that they're made for University students, therefore able to have more information on a subject, go into deeper depth, use words that schools can't in case students don't understand them...?
  2. Dark Shocktail


    Beautiful. There's still going to be opposition but...just beautiful.
  3. Dark Shocktail


    Pwnemon, I /remember/ as a kid people would try and give me books promoting Christianity. There are lots of books written specifically to make a statement about certain ways of life, promoting one as 'right' and dismissing the others as being wrong. I had the displeasure of reading a book which...
  4. Dark Shocktail


    I'd totally buy that book for my kid. Hell, I don't think it's been banned in the UK... Also, I am actually writing a book with a gay couple as two of the predominate main characters. I'm not looking to encourage kids to be gay or teach that it's the 'new kewl thing' on the block. I made the...
  5. Dark Shocktail


    Pft. One time my bro was taking a break from work (he worked in retail at the time) and got approached by a gay man. Actual exchange included this: "...You're not gay, are you?" "No..." "...Would you like to be?" Don't have to be in the military to be considered a pretty boy, lads.
  6. Dark Shocktail


    The thing that amuses the hell out of me is that if you don't bring up that you're gay, they'll take you in. It's only if you're open about being gay that they have a problem with. There's probably lots of undercover gays in the military.
  7. Dark Shocktail


    Homosexuality - don't knock it til you've tried it. [/random]
  8. Dark Shocktail


    ...You're right. It's not like there's video or photographic proof of gay animals. And now, I give you some proof. ...opps, that's probably scarred you. o.o
  9. Dark Shocktail


    Urm, but it's not. There are gay penguins, gay birds, bisexual lions etc. Lots of animals display homo or bisexual behaviour. Praise the lord for making the animals! ~<3
  10. Dark Shocktail


    Wait, so you don't care that it's perfectly legal to be gay? They have rights and are protected by them. You'd get fired up if your right to practice your religion freely was threatened so I don't see why you should threaten people's way of life. If you can't understand, then just use your~
  11. Dark Shocktail


    Starting a War Over What People Think - Spreading Love Regardless of Gender *thinks* ...Let there be love ^_^
  12. Dark Shocktail


    I would get uber mad right now. But then I remembered - I'm English. It's stupid of me to say, but I'm not entirely sure what the current situation is here on gay rights...of course they're allowed to be gay and such. But I think they're not allowed to get married...but they might be able to...
  13. Dark Shocktail


    CONSERVAPEDIA IS EPIC FAIL Sorry, but my Critical Thinking teacher told me about that site and I had to laugh out loud at the stupidity. It's worrying to think that people use the internet as their key information source when there are sites like that open.
  14. Dark Shocktail


    Not really. The only sway it could hold is if the kid forever saw disfunctional, uneasy heterosexual couples compared to happy, stable homosexual couples.
  15. Dark Shocktail


    What I love is the lengths people are going to gaurd kids against homosexuality. As a kid I can safely say I wouldn't have cared. I'd be curious and ask questions, then I'd get bored and look around for something else to do. And honestly, do they think kids being exposed to gay couples is a...
  16. Dark Shocktail


    I know this will sound weird but I don't really see people as their sexual identity. Granted, sometimes you can just tell when a guy is gay or when a girl likes other girls. I often find that people don't always fit strictly into being gay, bisexual or straight. Sometimes they just love someone...
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