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Search results

  1. DarkAura


    I had a dream where Pokemon was real and I dreamt I had an entire Pokemon "mine" where every Pokemon could be caught. In that dream, Clefable evolved into Wigglytuff. When I woke up, I was sure the fourth evolution was canon before I was fully awake.
  2. DarkAura


    I had this dream of a female, orange haired Pokemon trainer that lived with ghost types as a child. She traveled around Unova when she was old enough, but she was always followed by mysterious black oil. Her Pokemon team consisted of a Solosis, a Rufflet with the pilot headgear, Emolga, Yamask...
  3. DarkAura


    I had this dream where I was in my yard, but when I walked a little ways out of my yard, the ground because incredibly steep and went straight down, curving. It looked kinda like this; ___ ....| .....) ....( .....) ....( .....) ....( Well, I traveled through this platform occured in many of...
  4. DarkAura


    I had a dream where the two new pokemon games were Bay Leaf and Kettle Green. What has Pokemon done to me?......
  5. DarkAura


    I once had a dream where i was narrating it myself. I was inside my school, where time stood still. No one was there, and as the vivid clash of colors turned into black and white, i had the sudden urge to step outside. A dark grey field lay around me outside. Frozen in place. Life sustained. I...
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