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  1. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    I do not accept this flight Good battle, Phantom! =D
  2. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    ARTEMIS, DONT GIVE UP!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! If not, then fine.
  3. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Screw it, give it your all, with stone edge! STONE EDGE SPAM ATTACK x3!
  4. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    >=O Evil little elf! But I'll never quit this, i'm fighting to the end!!! Lessee........goddammit......i think i'll run out of energy. =(
  5. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Just chill. If you run out of clones, get more Chill/double team X3
  6. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Let's take a reasonable risk. Double team as many clones as you can without losing all your energy at the end of the round. Then just chill. Just chill. Double Team~Chill~Chill
  7. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

  8. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    *waggles finger* Need i remind you that while Thunder is super effective against water types, there are certain things to point out; 1; Artemis is STILL part rock type, there fore, it'll reduce the damage abit 2; Energy doesnt matter when getting hit, for if Artemis gets hit, then only the...
  9. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    damn Ok then She's in the hole, right? then chill for energy only. Come back up, and spam Bulldoze! (which'll hit every opposing pokemon snd knock down all the trees) If she protects, use chill FOR ENERGY! Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)~Bulldoze/Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)~Bulldoze/Chill(ENERGY ONLY!)
  10. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Since your in the hole, just cover the hole once again. then use rest, but only rest for ENERGY! wait, can she rest for energy only?
  11. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    DQ warning for referee.
  12. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Doesnt matter if i'm above ground at the end of the ground though. Blitz's only gonna chill, X3
  13. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    she digs the hole by going up, looks around for blitz, and then aims two stone edges at blitz. Next round, she'll fill up the hole cause blitz isnt attacking now, so she's in no threat at the moment. BTW, like 2 rounds ago, artemis used rest, but she's still parylized. rest also cures status...
  14. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    ok, how about this; make an opening in the hole (still stay down) then use stone edge twice. At any point after action one, energy is drasticlly low, yadayada, you know. Chill if energy gets so low you cannot attack without ending the battle Open hole~Stone Edge/Chill~Stone Edge/Chill
  15. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Ok then. SPAM STONE EDGE! Serebii's attack entry says that Stone edge attacks from below...so yeah! =P If at any point, energy is drasticlly low (low enough where artemis cant use stone edge), then chill Energy ONLY! Stone Edge/Chill x3
  16. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    SPAM EARTHQUAKE! If at any point, Artemis's energy gets DRASTICLLY low (like low enough where she can't use another earthquake) use Chill on energy. Earthquake/Chill~Earthquake/Chill~Earthquake/Chill
  17. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Artemis might be buried on the ground next to it. but i dont knoe. EDIT: wait, on the last round, Artemis dug into a hole on the sidelines of the trench. Since the trench was in the middle, Artemis was not anywhere near the middle when the volcano grew straight in the middle. In all...
  18. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    ............My hole is too small for your manetric. Manectric- a huge electric dog. Tirtouga-a small rock turtle. Your big dog will never fit in!!!
  19. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    ok then. (Sleep)~ Cover the top of the hole~ Chill Energy
  20. DarkAura

    DarkAura vs. Phantom

    Hmm...Might wanna watch out for those energy. Ok, keep on resting for another action. Then, once you awaken, get some dirt from the hole your in and cover the opening on the top, making the hole your in a bigger space with a closed top, thereby protecting yourself from being attacked. After...
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