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  1. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Cyndaquil's okay, but I like Totodile better. Speaking of which... Totodile New day, new Pokemon! Totodile! I love these guys. They'd have to be tied for first as my favorite Water starter.
  2. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Woop woop new day Bisharp I love Bisharp, pretty much I caught a shiny one when it was a Pawniard.
  3. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    New day. Rattata These little guys can be bros (or sisses) for life. Too bad I lost my Rattata in my Firered Nuzlocke yesterday. Chompette...
  4. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    (oh darn, I was hoping someone would get "the mighty butterfree" reference) Rhydon is much better than Rhyhorn and much better than Rhyperior.
  5. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    New day! Butterfree Anyone have any opinions about THE MIGHTY BUTTERFREE?
  6. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Let's try one of the newer Pokemon, shall we? Furabebe! One of the first pure Fairy types! Your thoughts?
  7. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Blitzle: It's so adorable and I just want to hug it soooo much. Cresselia: I love it. It's just... how can I describe it? The color scheme looks nice, it looks so majestic, and I love using it in battle! Snorlax: The only Snorlax I know of is Creosote. I don't have any problems with Snorlax...
  8. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Tangela: I hate it with every fiber in my being. Why? One time, I saw a shiny form of it in the Safari Zone. I threw just about twenty five safari balls until it finally ran away. Lucario: It's amazing and defeats anything in it's way. I trained my Lucario, Sly, in Black 2 all the way to level...
  9. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    The first Pokemon added in the game, you mean. It's HEX code is 001, isn't it? New day! Introducing...! Azurill Azurill! One of three normal types to evolve into a water type (Eevee and Bidoof being the other two), and is notable for having a chance to become a male Marill when it evolves if...
  10. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    New day. Er, we might be running out of Pokemon... Well then! Today's Pokemon is Corsola!
  11. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    so i herd u liek mudkipz /shot Baltoy. It's a top in my opinion. That is all.
  12. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    All this hate on Gurrdurr? I used to think it was too hilarious to be taken seriously, but, after catching one as a Timburr in my White Nuzlocke and with it being the only survivor to Lenora (poor Tepig died, right before it evolved. ;^;), I started loving it forever and started to only use that...
  13. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Lostlorn Forest also holds Leavanny and Unfezant in the rustling grass, as well as the three monkeys. I love Simipour, but I hate that it can't have a greater chance of being female than the others. I mean, it looks like a girl. >>
  14. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Lantern = adorable New day. Unown-e I caught an "e" unown in my platinum run that was just at the same level as my team with it's hidden power being ice. Basically, I love unown if you've got the right hidden power type. I also caught a shiny "a" unown in my leafgreen. Unown
  15. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I remember seeing a Pokemon banner in which Masquerain looked like a grass owl (It was in a forest backdrop. >>) It's cute though.
  16. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I used to hate the Chimchar line, but now that I picked it Platinum, it grew on me. <3
  17. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I just got a Crobat in my Platinum game, and it's awesome. <3 Anyway, new day. Monferno Monferno is great. When I restarted my Platinum game, the first time I got it, it was female. :D
  18. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Quilava is the cutest NFE starter on Earth. New day. Crobat Personally, I think Crobat is awesome.
  19. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Weezing New day. Weezing. Discuss.
  20. DarkAura

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    New day? Diglett Diglett hasn't been done yet, right? Two words; Diglett Wednesday
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