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  1. Darksong

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    Hoshizora frowned. "I wonder what's wrong with Arkra?" She floated closer, but avoided getting too close, in case Arkra didn't want to be approached at the moment.
  2. Darksong

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    ((Something is suspicious about Mewtwo and Mew, but I'll ignore it. This isn't the place to worry about it.)) Hoshizora followed Mysti into the shed. "I not only love the rain, but I hate the wind, that fierce air that can kill me."
  3. Darksong

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    "Sorry for being careful," Hoshizora replied sarcastically. "I meant that I would envelop them with myself, causing them to lose breath."
  4. Darksong

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    Hoshizora tilted her body forward in a nod. "I agree with Jackson. I'm sure they can figure it out. And if they can't, I'll just suffocate all the Rockets."
  5. Darksong

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    "Don't worry," Hoshizora said. "They're Pokemon, not some weak children anymore."
  6. Darksong

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    ((Double-Edge makes the user recieve 1/3 the damage they dealt, not 1/3 max HP.)) Hoshizora looked around. "Is everyone outside?" She yelled. "I might have to do that gas thing again!"
  7. Darksong

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    Hoshizora licked the Rocket before rushing out the door. "Yay," she said.
  8. Darksong

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    Hoshizora followed inside the wall so that she could ambush anyone coming. "Just to let you know, I'm behind you," she confirmed. "Since you can't see me, I thought I should make sure you're not worried about me."
  9. Darksong

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    "Come on, whatever-your-name-is!" Hoshizora called. "The gas might hurt you if you stay in any longer!"
  10. Darksong

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    "Sorry about that," Hoshizora apologized, "It was the only thing I could think of. At least everyone's safe, right? Is there anyone still in the building, other than the rockets?"
  11. Darksong

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    "I said get out!" Hoshizora yelled through the haze. "Don't you know this gas can hurt you if breathed in?!"
  12. Darksong

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    To create a distraction, Hoshizora let out a large cloud of gas to block the Rockets' vision. "Everyone get out! Now!"
  13. Darksong

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    "I'm on Group Two," Hoshizora replied. She stuck close to Jackson, following carefully. The Gastly watched as one of the others almost tripped on a Rocket. Of course, she couldn't trip because she floated.
  14. Darksong

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    "The rockets are trying to get us," Hoshizora explained, "But I'm not sure what we're supposed to do now."
  15. Darksong

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    Hoshizora was dreaming it was eternal daylight. She woke up unexpectedly, and was about to cry out when she realized that she was awake. The Gastly just exhaled deeply. "Well, I'm finally awake. What now?"
  16. Darksong

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    Hoshizora didn't feel the flick; she was a Ghost type, and matter could go through her easily. In addition, when she slept, she was always half-phased out. Because of this, she didn't move at all, except for the occasional float up and down.
  17. Darksong

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    Hoshizora fell asleep also. "What, is it nighttime already?" She asked drowsily. "I want to see the stars... what do you think my name is?" The Gastly managed to regain her senses and use Curse before closing her eyes.
  18. Darksong

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    "I could help someone too," Hoshizora said. All she had to do was glare at another Rocket to make him stop in his tracks. She found a bit of scrap metal on the ground, and tried to manipulate it (what, I thought Gastly could do that). She attempted using an attack on it, but it didn't work...
  19. Darksong

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    Hoshizora phased out and snuck up on the first grunt to come through the other doors, and gave him a poisonous lick of her toxic tongue. "That should do it," she said when she pulled her tongue in, and used Spite on another Rocket, putting him in a daze while she licked him, causing him to fall...
  20. Darksong

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    "That's correct! Why didn't I think of that?" She phased out and said to everyone, "I have a plan. I'm gonna lick him on the face. Nasty, huh?"
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