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Search results

  1. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    Ok... obvious time...
  2. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    I know... I've tried
  3. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    dragonair: Now to answer the last clue!
  4. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    Clue 28 was easy... but it wouldn't have been if I hadn't bought the first season of Pokemon on DVD... :P
  5. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  6. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  7. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  8. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  9. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    ...I just found the answer, but... what does that have to do with the previous question?
  10. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  11. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    OK, got that one. That makes sense, but it wasn't obvious, really... now for 25.
  12. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  13. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    When I get this, I'm going to feel stupid because it was so obvious, won't I?
  14. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    Uh... I tried but they didn't work either... and that's 24, isn't it? Am I not even on the right track? xD
  15. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    @dragonair: It's actually really simple once you get it. :P
  16. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    I'm where Cryptica is now... and I still don't see how the word could mean anything. I tried but those didn't work... and there's nothing in the page source to go off. I really don't see how it's possible to get this one.There's so few hints... ><
  17. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    As for me, I'm still stuck on 23. No idea how you did that so fast, Barubu :|
  18. Darksong

    The Clue Game

  19. Darksong

    The Clue Game

    Actually, I think you should check the URL. It might still have your previous answer in it since it's a query string; delete all the stuff after the question mark and then try entering the answer again.
  20. Darksong

    The Clue Game

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