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Search results

  1. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle whined, "But I like working my mind!"
  2. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "But remember, he's Psychic type," Noelle informed. "So even if we kept him in prison, he could easily bend the bars or whatever to get out."
  3. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Cannon," Noelle blurted. "But he was a threat to Shadowflare. It had to be done."
  4. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle turned to Cannon. "Need me to get you the doctor?" She asked, concerned.
  5. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "STOP!" Noelle cried, loud enough to hurt someone's ears. It was full of emotion.
  6. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Oh," Noelle barked. She sped off, heading straight for the kitchen. She prepared a fresh plate of toast for Mistress Shadowflare, and held the edge of the plate in her mouth and brought it to the Ninetales, placing it at her bedside.
  7. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "What?" Noelle replied. "I had nothing to do with the toast."
  8. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle yelped, and then screamed, accidentally letting out a burst of fire. Luckily, it headed towards Shadowflare, so that her Flash Fire could absorb it.
  9. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle bared her fangs, growling, fur bristling, but did nothing more.
  10. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    ((Never mind about the friends thing.)) Noelle was hit by the Swift. "Why did you do that? I'm trying to find out what's going on!" She shook her head, a bit dazed, but still normal. She stood her ground, absorbing the Overheat with her own Flash Fire. Then, she swept a Flamethrower at Toxic...
  11. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    ((Can Noelle be friends with Ren, unknowing that he poisoned the food?)) "That's unfair! We need more proof!" Noelle growled. "It's not like he's the only Espeon in the world!" She didn't do anything about Khran, but stood her ground in front of Mistress Shadowflare's bed.
  12. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Sorry," Noelle growled. "I was merely making sure that no one turned on him unfairly.
  13. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "Hey, stop accusing him," Noelle said gently. "We're not completely sure that it was him. It could have been his mother or something."
  14. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "It definitely wasn't me." Noelle stood stubbornly and closed her eyes. "Growlithe are one of the most loyal Pokemon around."
  15. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle bit Khran's left arm. "Hey! Don't kill anyone!" She turned her head to Ren. "I would just like to warn you that if we find you guilty, I'll make sure you suffer," she growled.
  16. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "That's right. I forgot," Noelle barked. She raced out of Shadowflare's room and followed Ren's scent. It led to the kitchen. When she encountered the Espeon, she said, "Come with me. Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Shadowflare just wants to see you." The Growlithe then headed back towards...
  17. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    "The doctor said it was poisoned on purpose!" Noelle growled. She said, more calmly, "However, I also have to say that it is possible that Ren didn't cook it. After all, he could have just gotten it from one of the chefs in this palace and delivered it. Now, let's try to think more before we...
  18. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle swished her fluffy tail, thinking, I'm already here. She brushed Shadowflare with her tail, sending a few embers onto her mistress. She looked like she was getting better, since she had moved.
  19. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle smiled. A tear of happiness and gratitude slipped down her face. She knew that Shadowflare would be okay, just by looking at her. The Ninetales almost seemed better already.
  20. Darksong

    Open I'm So Sick! (needs a better title)

    Noelle emerged from the security thing and stood next to the doctor. "I hope she'll be fine soon," the Growlithe whined. Since Shadowflare had Flash Fire, she breathed a few flames onto her Mistress.
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