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Search results

  1. Dragon

    The Math Contest

    So, Tagg! You'll be starting off in the middle of that flat area with a decent amount of packed snow under your feet. Start by spraying a Scald up into the air so it falls around yourself like pretty, boiling hot rain. Maybe throw a spotlight in there somewhere so the light catches the drops of...
  2. Dragon

    The Math Contest

    oh dammit okay I'm a one show pony I can't think of anything else. Though I have to review math for my exam once the weekend is over so could I get an extension as well..?
  3. Dragon

    The Math Contest

  4. Dragon

    The Math Contest

    actually no shit lets be lazy You're up, ed'Rashtekaresket. You'll be sent out on the edge of the ellipsis, either side, it doesn't matter. Then, I want you to Bounce up. Aim to land on the other side of the ellipsis, but not so high that you touch the ceiling! When you approach the vertex of...
  5. Dragon

    The Math Contest

    Can I start the appeal with my flying Pokemon already in the air, or at least hanging on to a curtain somewhat high up?
  6. Dragon

    The Math Contest

    Fuck I hate math so much I am so close to failing right now. The very existence of this contest makes me want to hit something (maybe my math teacher). So I'm in, of course. >:[ speaking of math I have a test tomorrow don't I oops
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