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Search results

  1. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai landed on her back, and with a little twist, got up. "Yeah, run away, you coward!" She turned to the Kunemon, Pherin, if she remembered right. "Do you still think he's safe to be around? That fat bastard could turn on you, and you'd be the next to go. And I'd...
  2. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Butterflymon," Vai yelled, and glared at Devimon. "You.. Mach Impulse!" Blades of wind shot out of her wing-blades and slashed into Devimon. She leapt towards him, claws outstretched, meaning to land on his chest and knock him down.
  3. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai turned to look at Kris, and found herself floating towards her. "Uh, I think walking will be faster until I can get the hang of this," she said with a sigh, and lowered herself to the ground. Somehow. "Right, let's see, then!" Vai padded ahead, and turned her...
  4. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai looked up at Jason, and to the side, at her wing-blade things. "Hah, wait up!" She jumped up and stretched her front legs forwards.. and moved forwards. "This is pretty confusing.. How do I fly without wings? With these blades?" She looked down at him, and found...
  5. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Note to self: Read every post before doing things >_<))
  6. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai tilted her head, wondering if she could fly. "I could fire.. Eagle Eye up at the cliff to see," she offered. The name of one of her attacks came to mind right away, maybe an instinct thing? "From here I can't see it or him that well, so I can't tell."
  7. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Huh? Oh, right.." Vai landed, or just lowered herself to the ground, really, and looked at the Digieggs. "If I remember right, I can Digivolve to Halsemon with the Digiegg of Love." It felt weird to say that, 'I can Digivolve'. Vai walked up to the said Digiegg...
  8. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai looked at Palmon in surprise. She was looking at the plant again, and she had been caught by surprise. She rushed towards her on her short wings, and suddenly felt the tingling from before.. Digivolving! As Vai slammed into Palmon, she felt her legs. She was...
  9. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai heard her name and looked up. She wasn't really listening, but she had a good idea of what was being discussed.. "Uh, yeah," she agreed. "I could go ahead and see.." She flew up to the tree, and tried to rip off a few twigs with her beak. Getting a few, Vai...
  10. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai looked up at the leaves. "Leaves? Uh, no thanks, maybe I could find seeds or something.." She flapped over to a plant across from the tree, eying it suspiciously. Was it edible, or like grass.. Did she even have to eat? Vai wasn't really that hungry, so. She...
  11. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai looked around at the others. "Well, if we could get stronger together, we might be able to find some answers. And I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it might be interesting to be a Digimon for a while.." She trailed off. She probably wasn't...
  12. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Uh, shit. I was thinking of Mystery Dungeon >_>))
  13. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai bounced over to the other Digimon, and actually recognized them all this time. A Minomon, looking kind of insecure, was trying to attack, or maybe defend himself from the Koromon, and the Kyaromon she had fallen on had barely moved, a few others as...
  14. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP Vai flapped her wings again, flailing this time. What ever was under her moved, and she turned as best she could, being a blob, to see there was a Kyaromon beside her. "Sorry.." she muttered, and flapped backwards. Getting a closer look at herself...
  15. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Uh, uh, I'll work on that later, then..~)) Vai had sat there, stunned, as she inspected herself. A blob.. with something like a beak and fins..? She looked around. There, beside her, was that her Digivice? And a few other Digimon.. and everything...
  16. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Done. And I am soo not a lazy ass >_>))
  17. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Isn't Pururumon also Poromon? The Digimon series is retarded for Japanese names and English names getting seriously mixed up.
  18. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Ah damn. *skips away to fix form*
  19. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP psst then I allowed to totally screw up Hawkmon's line like thiiis?
  20. Dragon

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Wut I wanted to be Seadramon :< Name: Vai Species: Pururumon>Poromon>Hawkmon>Aquilamon>Silphymon>Valkyrimon Gender: Female Age (as human): 13 Personality: Very outspoken, and quick to anger. She is rather impulsive, and doesn't often make friends. When she does...
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