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  1. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I mean their hairstyle. I swear, someone drew Lloyd, and I thought it was Karol, and someone drew Karol in drag and I thought it was Lloyd. D:
  2. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Oh, right, before I forget to bring it up, is it just me, or does Karol look disturbingly alot like Lloyd? Karol must be a descendant from him... o_O
  3. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I'm getting ToS2 without ever playing ToS. Does that make me a bad fan? |D
  4. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Yeah, sometimes I just can't help myself but make lesbo Rita jokes. xD Daugh, didn't get to that part yet. I'm busy trying to shut down the motherf****in' Heracules on this motherf****in' game! D:< -shot- But I never expected the game to be this long. Just exactly how far am I away from the...
  5. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Tales of Vesperia, mainly because I only have the 360. |D I should really be getting the GBA and DS games...
  6. Eclipse

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Uh, um... I feel kind of embarrassed to join when I've only played one of the games. ;A; Sorry for not joining earlier. D: But I hope it is okay with you guys to join. x_o
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