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  1. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    ((What's going on right now? I can post now, but...))
  2. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    ((I'm going to be away until about Aug. 15, and will probably not have access to a computer until I come back. D=))
  3. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Abra shrugged and teleported in front of Violet. One thing. Please, for the love of Mew, don't force me to evolve. It would not be pleasant to go from this to some kind of Pokemon with a three foot mustache. Violet blinked in surprise, and Onna giggled softly and replied, Grumpy much? She's not...
  4. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Abra seemed to wake up a bit more when sensing the other Abra. You got caught too? Yeah, humans are jerks. I hope mine doesn't force me to evolve, though. We could probably teleport away while they sleep.
  5. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet laughed. "Hey, Eric. I technically used to be in Team Snagem when I was a baby. My.... mom was with them. We moved here, and... you know." Why did I say that? Bringing it up..
  6. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Abra shrugged. So, murders will become a regular thing for you. Whatever. I'm so not sleeping anywhere you anymore. Kate giggled shyly at the Abra's taunts at Eric.
  7. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet blinked and walked back to the shack, carrying Onna. Abra psychically picked herself up and followed Eric. So, what? Do you have a daily murder? The weekly killing spree? Katie followed quietly, behind the rest.
  8. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Katie whimpered and went lower into the ground. The human called Eric was scary. Abra would've rolled her eyes if she had bothered to open them. Another day, another rotting corpse on the ground, huh? That's a great way to solve your problems.
  9. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Abra yawned and said to Eric in her sleep, You don't seem to be too bothered by your having just killed a man and Onna breaking a rib. Katie let herself out of her pokeball and stared nervously at the corpse laying on the ground.
  10. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet gave the Zigzagoon a funny look and remembered Onna. She sat down on the ground and looked at the Mawile, worried. Onna blinked, somewhat dazed, and tried to sit up, whimpering softly. Her breathing was louder than normal, and sounded sort of strange. Violet swore to herself and looked at...
  11. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet blinked, still embarrassed. "Uh, I don't know. I'll tell you when I think of something, okay?" Diglett let herself out of the Pokeball at watched Eric solemnly. Violet petted the Pokemon's head. "Well, due to my lack of creativity today, I'm going to name you Katie. Is that okay with...
  12. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet backed away slightly. "I'm uh, sure he did." I'm worrying, all right. And not about him.
  13. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet blinked, still holding the Mawile. "I hate him too for hurting Onna, but you're rather violent." She looked around awkwardly. What do you say to a person who just killed a man?! "I found out what a Diglett's whole body looks like today."
  14. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet swore to herself. She was far inside the building and had no idea where the exit was, she ran in a random direction. Onna ran after her trainer. Lost, they hoped to find the way out, and fast. "What do you think you're doing here?!" A man in a white Rocket uniform grabbed Violet by the...
  15. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet looked around. They were in a hallway, and she could faintly hear people talking in another room. She walked quietly, careful to not be seen.
  16. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet looked at the slightly broken open door swinging open. She knew it was dangerous inside, but she was extremely curious. She recalled Diglett and let Onna out of her pokeball. With the Mawile by her side, the girl walked inside the base.
  17. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet petted the tiny Pokemon. It had short, soft brown fur and was only about half a foot tall. "You want to try? Okay." The Diglett went underground and punched through the floor inside the base, right up against the door. She looked up and the lock and rammed the door with her head. With the...
  18. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet released Diglet from her pokeball. The tiny Pokemon hid behind her new trainer. I.. can get in the base.
  19. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet nodded and started to follow before tripping on a rock. She looked down. It wasn't a rock, it was a slightly cracked pokeball sitting on the ground. Did someone step on it? I don't think I did. She picked up the small sphere and shrugged. The Rockets had probably dropped it. She threw it...
  20. Elfin

    Fight for the stars[Might be blood}

    Violet shrugged. "Okay. But, uh, I don't know about anything else you can do, yet anyway." The Abra snorted at the two humans' conversation. Saved. Riiight. As in, what? Picked it's pokeball off the ground?
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