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  1. Eloi


    Well, we really wouldn't know what that is like because we haven't experienced that.
  2. Eloi


    How about it starts off like a Truman Show things and gradually becomes populated with real people as you learn to deal with them and they learn to deal with you? And how do you know what feelings your eternal soul carry? Maybe anger, frustration, sadness etcetera are all in the physical brain...
  3. Eloi


    True, but whatever problems one might have with heaven would probably be resolved, because an all-powerful God would know what your problems are before you exist, and thus many manipulate the scenario of heaven (and not yourself) to make you happier until you can adjust. Well there is a...
  4. Eloi


    I have, actually. Personally, I don't think the Old Testament is relevant to anyone outside of the ancient Hebrew people, and even then it was just a history book. I believe the teachings of Christ replace the teachings of the Old Testament, tho' I don't really think they "replace" it so much as...
  5. Eloi


    Who says They have to manipulate your will for any of that to happen? Who says you just don't eventually choose to? How many people do you think would be a part of a religion that said that in the first place?
  6. Eloi


    Very true. No, it was more of the whole "I'm better than you and going to take over heaven" type thing.
  7. Eloi


    No, they were the Archangel Lucifer who rebelled against God and got cast onto the Earth and refused redemption due to pride. They were certainly not created that way.
  8. Eloi


    Why create any of us if we have the possibility of rebelling due to free will? Again, its why we want Artificial Intelligence even when we have perfectly working computers: sure they'd be loyal, but would they be a good companion? No, not really.
  9. Eloi


    Sure it does, I just doubt anyone will go there.
  10. Eloi


    I don't believe anyone will be in Hell, actually. And whatever their earthly dispositions or morality was, eternity can do a lot for self-improvement.
  11. Eloi


    Yes, but deprivation of that choice is a violation of free will.
  12. Eloi


    Using the Bible as a guideline, everyone goes into heaven if they choose to. Grandma splits into multiple soul avatars to keep company for each person? I mean, how do we know the mechanics of interface with other people in heaven? I mean, who says she can't do it all at once, or even a concept...
  13. Eloi


    That'd be the argument I'd try to put forth, yes.
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