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Search results

  1. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    Ah well, I wouldn't have been able to win with just one energy anyway.
  2. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    Not to be a sore loser, but why did the last Blizzard take 11% energy while all the rest took 10%? If there is a liable and significant reason, good game bulbasaur, and thanks for reffing Superbird!
  3. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    Herp, this probably won't work, but eh, what the Hell? Bubble (both) ~ Blizzard (both) ~ Bubble (both)
  4. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    I'm still alive, don't worry. Hohner: OK, you're partner will deal with that Bulbasaur, so let's focus on the Sandshrew. Start off with a Toxic. Next use Hypnosis, unless Toxic failed, then use it again. Finally use Dream Eater (Health) if he's asleep, and Psychic if he isn't. Toxic ~...
  5. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    Hohner: Well, I think setting up a small Substitute is probably the best idea here, as I don't think two Fury Cutters will do much. Super effective as they are, the base power is insultingly low, even with the attack boosts. I doubt one Fury Cutter even with a Critical Hit will do over 10%...
  6. Eta Carinae

    bulbasaur vs. Ampharos

    Hmmm... You have always wanted to see his true potential, so Hohner, take the stage. Let's put you out with Preveza I think. She'll be in the pond Hohner: Well, I don't like the fact that you're in a speed tie with that Bulbasaur, so open up with an Icy Wind to give you an advantage. Next...
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