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Search results

  1. Flora

    The 0_o thread

  2. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    o.o "Your Job List is Full. Would you like to delete a job?" My job list only had seven options. o.o (well I was on a mission at the time so maybe that had something to do with it)
  3. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Oh, that's what always appears first when you open Platinum; a Rotom form and Spanish. I got Frost~
  4. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    ^ Woooooooooow. XP
  5. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Nice. XP (my friend was horrified when I told her about the Barney thing) I checked the e-mail for my screenname (which I use for various places, including here) and discovered an e-mail in my spam folder. It basically was from some girl who wanted to be in a "lasting relationship" with me...
  6. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Oh, I just remembered something; My sister and I watched Barney for no apparent reason a few days ago. Yep, Barney. The first thing we noticed was Barney's somewhat deeper voice. Then we got into the better part of the episode: Barney randomly shows up and three little kids, two boys...
  7. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Tree City, USA, adjacent to Philadelphia.
  8. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    ^ IT WAS HERE TOO. Where do you live? XP
  9. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    ^ Teenager!Dora is enough o.o to last a lifetime. o.o
  10. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    + one now. o.o
  11. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    ^ good point. I was talking to one of my friends, whom I didn't know before high school, and she started talking about having to sing some song in spanish for a choral festival. And I knew exactly what she was talking about, cause I was in it too. o.o
  12. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Well for a roleplay yesterday I decided to make a character based off one of my friends. I looked for a picture, but none worked. Then I found one that COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FIT HER. It was creepy. o.o
  13. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    ^ My friend randomly looked at the previous owners of her textbook and discovered she had my sister's.
  14. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    So, my friend and I had nothing better to do after school. So we looked up Africa. Why? Because. o.o THERE IS NO LOGIC HERE.
  15. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Well there was: *musicnote pencil falls on floor* Latin Teacher: Oh, how was Florida? (That's where I got the pencil but ssh.)
  16. Flora

    The 0_o thread

    Well, in disney my sis threw a coin onto the street and a grown man picked it up and showed it to all his friends. o.o
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